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EFNEP program logo over an image of a woman and child in a grocery store

What is EFNEP?

The Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program is a national USDA-funded program whose mission is to iimprove the health behavior of low-income Americans.? All across Georiga, the program is run through the University of Georgia Extension at no cost to the participant.? 海角官方首页 EFNEP offers a series of lessons called Food Talk.

Food Talk consists of seven lessons about one hour each.? Lessons contain simple nutrition messages conveyed in an interactive manner through activities and discussions.? Cooking demonstrations allow participants to try meals that are both healthy and affordable.? Educational material is distributed to help participants put into practice what they learned. Food Talk is also taught in Spanish in order to serve the rapidly growing Hispanic community in Georgia.

海角官方首页 EFNEP provides all teaching materials and recipe demonstration ingredients and no kitchen facilities are necessary.?

Visit for more information.

vegetable garden bedsThe EFNEP program in Houston County has worked closely with the Master Gardeners to reap the benefits of the Teaching Garden at Hafley Park in Perry.? Master Gardeners plant seeds to produce vegetables that the program assistant can use in lessons and recipes. Once the harvest is gathered, the produce, fruit, and herbs are brought into theHarvested tomatoes, potatoes, and herbs arranged on a table Extension office, where they are? weighed and catalogued. They are then given to the EFNEP program assistant for distribution.?



The harvest is used for recipes during classes, while the EFNEP program assistant also provides hints on how to use the vegetables and herbs.?Clients are urged to not only use the produce, but to take photos of the dish(es) they prepare.? These are then used as motivational tools for future meals.
