
海角官方首页 Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between and .

海角官方首页 Extension Office

Our Gardens

Help for Homeowners

There are over 50,000 homeowners in Houston County and they all have different questions about their landscapes and home gardens. Extension aims to bridge the gap between the research universities and the home gardener who can benefit from the results of that research.

Sometimes that means teaching classes. Other times it involves connecting the client with an appropriate publication. Still other times, Extension personnel must conduct their own research into problems the gardener is facing. The ultimate goal, however, is to teach the gardener how to find and use these resources himself, thus giving him access to a whole bank of reliable information. Newsletters such as The Garden Bench aid in the fulfillment of this goal.

Using websites--and selecting the right ones like is part of this educational process. Reading and understanding research findings as presented in books such as the Georgia Pest Management Handbook is another integral part. Extension strives to answer the needs of the home gardener in the most efficient and friendly way possible.

Houston County Extension Facebook Page

Follow us on for upcoming events and up to date information and tips.

Welcome to Hafley Park!

Come visit Hafley Park, our Teaching Garden. Hafley Park is located at 1527 Sunshine Ave, right off of Houston Lake Road here in Perry. The garden is used to grow vegetables, flowers and attract pollinators and serve as an idea generator for homeowners. When the weather permits, our "Gardening with the Masters" homeowner classes are taught here. Along with turf plots and a pollinator meadow with fruit trees, it also has a butterfly rock, shade and native gardens and opportunites to explore and see beautiful flowers during the spring and summer months. Our Master Gardener Extension Volunteers maintain the park all throughout the year by weeding, mowing the lawn, planting and coming up with inspirational ideas for homeowners. We have something here for all ages!?

Pest Management Resource

gives current information on selection, application, and safe use of pest control chemicals.

Recommendations are based on information on the manufacturer's label and on performance data from research and extension trials at the University of Georgia and sister institutions in surrounding states. Because environmental conditions, the severity of pest pressure, and methods of application vary widely, recommendations do not imply that performance of pesticides will always be acceptable.

This publication is intended to be used only as a guide. Specific rates and application methods are on the pesticide label. Always follow the use instructions and precautions on the pesticide label. Trade and brand names are used only for information. 海角官方首页 does not guarantee nor warrant published standards on any product mentioned; neither does the use of a trade or brand name imply approval of any product to the exclusion of others which may also be suitable.

Additional information on control of insects, plant diseases, and weeds is available in bulletins and circulars published by 海角官方首页 Extension. Free publications are available online at?.

  • Hafley Park sign
    Hafley Park sign
  • Map of Hafley Park
    Map of Hafley Park
  • Pollinator Meadow information
    Pollinator Meadow information
  • Summer colors in the park
    Summer colors in the park
  • Assorted flowers and grasses
    Assorted flowers and grasses
  • Yellow flowers on the fence
    Yellow flowers on the fence