Our Impact
Making A Difference in Our County
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension is working hard for its constituents. The following are examples of Extension’s impact in the county over the past year.
Family and Consumer Sciences
Agent presented ServSafe Managers Certification one time this year and in total 17 participants attended the program; 14 out of 17 participants received their ServSafe manager certification. We had a pass rate of 82% in the one-day ServSafe manager certification. Agent is currently a facilitator for the E.L.E.V.A.T.E (project free) grant, educating couples in the community using the Healthy Relationships curriculum. This grant provides Houston county programming funds $5,875 every year. Agent currently supervises four EFNEP program assistants, and in Houston county the program has served 38 adults and 57 youth (Veterans High School and the Transition Academy). We had a? total of? 42 youth and 3 adults graduate from the Nutrition Program.
4-H Youth Development
The Houston County 4-H staff answered their call for service and provided exceptional programs to our clients. In 2023, Houston 4-H had the following:?36 youth exhibiting livestock and equine, 41 competing at project achievement, 563 engaging in monthly club meetings, 200 join in specialty clubs and activities, 86 attend 4-H summer camp, 85 members on our S.A.F.E. Shooting sports teams, 26 youth on competitive judging teams, 9 students completing in the Teen Leader Certification and beginning their community service and project clubs. Houston County 4-H will continue to grow and positively impact youth, who represent our future.
Houston County hosted 7 production meetings for farmers, landscapers and foresters. We participated in 3 variety row crop trials in cotton and peanuts. In addition, Houston County also began a rose trial in 2023.
We have a strong Master Gardener Extension Volunteer group with 73 individuals. In 2023 we trained 17 new MGEVs. With assistance from MGEV, homeowner classes are being taught at our demonstration gardens.
We have also provided youth programing on horticulture and AgTechnology around the county.