Competitive Teams
Georgia 4-H is preparing the next generation of leaders through Evaluation Educational Programs. These “judging evaluation experiences” are teaching the life skills of teamwork, decision making, critical thinking, and public speaking. Two of the four Essential Elements of 4-H are belonging and mastery. 4-H youth are given the opportunity to exercise mastery of content through the experience.? Coupled with learning, mastering content and synthesizing knowledge, 4-H youth have the opportunity to experience contribution to group effort by being part of a county team and gain experience in sportsmanship and acceptance of differences.? The Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS report) acknowledges a continued need to develop a generation of youth with the workforce competencies of teamwork, communication, and critical thinking. Through educational evaluation programs, Georgia 4-H is contributing to a prepared future workforce.
Houston County 4-H offers the following:
- Cotton Boll & Consumer Judging - offered in fall of each year
- Poultry Judging - offered in spring of each year
- Hippology - offered in spring of each year
Click on the program's page for more information.