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School Garden Resources

Welcome the Paulding County Extension School Garden Resource Page

Children holding milk cartons filled with soil

海角官方首页 Extension has great resources for educators on school gardens.? The first step is to make a plan for how to implement a new garden.? If you are considering starting a school garden you should take a look at this step by step guide for starting a school garden:


The 海角官方首页 School Garden Resource page also curates a great list of grant opportunities relevant to school gardens:

Explore more resources on the and sign up to receive timely updates from the

Resources from the Paulding County Farm Bureau Middle School Educators Ag in the Classroom Workshop on Gardening

An educator helps a child water plants in a school garden

Food Safety Resources for School Gardens

School Garden Poster

School Garden Food Safety Practice Checklist

School Garden Good and Bad Practices Activity Photos

School Gardening Presentations

Soil Testing-Break the Fertilizer Code

Aquaponics and Hydroponics

Haybale Gardening
