Feed & Forage Test
General Sampling Information
- Taking a representative sample is the most important step in assuring quality analyses. Please follow sampling procedures as described later in this section.
- Supply complete information on the sample submission form to ensure maximum usefulness to the client. The animal and feed type must be given if you want calculations for total digestible nutrients (TDN) or other energy values as applicable.
- For total mixed rations, concentrates, vitamin/mineral blends, grains and byproducts, collect multiple core samples or grab samples. Composite the cores or grab samples, mix thoroughly, and sub-sample into quart Ziploc bag.
- Submit hays and silages in a gallon Ziploc bag.
F1 Hays and Silage (NIR + nitrate + minerals)
Moisture, Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF), Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF), Crude Fiber (estimated), Non-fibrous Carbohydrates (NFC), Crude Protein Lignin, Nitrate (NO3), Total Digestible Nutrients (TDN), Relative Forage Quality (RFQ), 10 Minerals (see F26)
Fee: $45.00 (Estimated turnaround: 5-7 business days upon receipt at the lab.)
F2 - Hays and Silage (NIR + nitrate, excluding minerals)
Moisture, Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF), Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF) Crude, Fiber (estimated), Non-fibrous Carbohydrates (NFC), Crude Protein, Lignin, Nitrate (NO3), Total Digestible Nutrients (TDN), Relative Forage Quality (RFQ)
Fee: $25.00* (Estimated turnaround: 2-5 business days upon receipt at the lab.)
F3 - Hays and Silage (NIR only)
Moisture, Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF), Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF), Crude Fiber (estimated), Non-fibrous Carbohydrates (NFC), Crude Protein, Lignin, Total Digestible Nutrients (TDN), Relative Forage Quality (RFQ)
Fee: $20.00* (Estimated turnaround: 2-5 business days upon receipt at the lab.)
F26 -? Minerals only
Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), Manganese (Mn), Iron (Fe),? Aluminum (Al), Copper (Cu), Zinc (Zn), Sodium (Na)
Fee: $30.00 (Estimated turnaround: 5-7 business days upon receipt at the lab.)