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8 publications were found on Drought-Tolerant-Plants
  • Classic City Garden Awards Series: 2020's Best New Plants from the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia (AP 116-8) New ornamentals have long been considered the lifeblood of the green industry. This publication contains recommendations for best-performing new annuals based on research conducted at the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia, showcasing the plants that were awarded Classic City Awards in 2020.
  • Developing a WaterSmart Landscape (C 930) A water smart landscape is more than just water-efficient. It's a landscape that has been carefully designed, properly installed and managed to reduce pollution, improve conservation and ensure year-round beauty.
  • Junipers (C 956) Junipers are among one of the toughest plants for the landscape. Their hardy nature and drought tolerance make them ideal choices for many of our southern landscapes. It is impossible to generalize about the growth habit of junipers as the species vary from low-growing ground cover types to larger conical-pyramidal forms. Foliage color varies from lustrous dark green, to light green, blue, silver-…
  • Make Every Drop Count: Managing a Water-Wise Landscape (C 895-4) Water-wise landscapes not only save water, they save time by requiring less routine care than most traditional landscapes. This publication offers guidelines to help you achieve these goals and conserve water when managing your landscape.
  • Make Every Drop Count: Proper Planting Results in Healthy, Water-Efficient Plants (C 895-3) Planting ornamental plants correctly increases their survivability and performance in the landscape, and it helps them develop a vigorous, healthy root system that increases their drought tolerance during periods of limited rainfall. This pubication provides research-based guidelines for proper planting.
  • Make Every Drop Count: Xeriscape - Seven Steps to a Water-Wise Landscape (C 895-1) A landscape designed, installed and managed according to Xeriscaping's seven steps uses up to 50% less water than a traditional landscape. And, a well-designed water-wise is just as attractive as a traditional landscape.
  • New Native Little Bluestems (C 1081) Little Bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium) is a drought tolerant, low maintenance native plant. This ornamental, warm season perennial grass tolerates a wide range of soil conditions and is easily grown. Its purplish bronze blooms and vertical clusters of slender leaves make it a lovely addition to any landscape. It is cold hardy in Georgia, although it may suffer moderate damage in cold winters in…
  • The New and Improved Chaste Tree (C 1076) Chaste tree (genus Vitex) is an ornamental with many desirable qualities for the urban landscape. It is a deciduous shrub to small tree proffering violet flowers, which are a magnet for pollinators, fragrant foliage, and excellent drought and deer tolerance. It's not surprising that it has been touted as one of the best plants for Georgia gardens. There is always room for improvement on what nat…