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Junior 4-Her's 7th & 8th Grades

Junior 4-H

Junior 4-H'ers are 7th & 8th grade 4-H members. Meetings focus on community service, leadership development, and public speaking. Junior 4-H’ers have the opportunity to attend weekend events and other educational competitions such as Junior Conference and Consumer Judging. Junior 4-H Meetings are held on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday's of the month from?3:00 - 3:45 PM?in the AG classroom at the Union county Middle School.

Certified Teen Leader Training

Of the many opportunities in Georgia 4-H to develop leadership, one of the most positive experiences is the opportunity for older 4-H’ers to mentor younger 4-H’ers by serving as teen leaders in their county program and also at district and state events. Teen leaders have specific responsibilities and leadership roles. A good teen leader can be the lifeline of the county 4-H program and 4-H leaders. Seventh graders and up are invited to attend Certified Teen Leader Training. Teen Leader Certification will have two levels. Level I of the certification will be used for county level leadership opportunities. Level II will be used primarily for training high school students to teen lead at District and/or State events, such as summer camp, DPA, or Fall Forum. Participants will receive lunch, a magnetic name badge, and a teen leader manual. A training will be offered in September after the beginning of the school year.?Save the Date: Level I Training will be September 21, 2024 from 9am-12 noon at the 4-H Office in the Civic Center, Blairsville, GA. Level IITraining will be determined at a later date.

Junior Conference

7th, and 8th grade 4-H'ers are invited to Junior Conference at Rock Eagle in November each year. 4-H'ers will get to meet new friends, do service projects, attend workshops, attend an exhibit fair, have a dance, and see Clovers & Company perform. Save the Date: November 9-10, 2024,? for a trip to Rock Eagle 4-H Center in Eatonton, GA!

Junior Conference Exhibit Workshop

The exhibit workshop will be held to help you plan, compile, and complete your exhibit on a tri-fold board before they are due for the trip to Junior Conference. Tri-Fold boards are provided by 4-H and all photos and printing can be completed at the 4-H Office.?Save the Date:?TBA.

Junior DPA

Project Achievement is one of the most prominent 4-H competitions. It helps 4-H'ers develop both oral and written communication skills while giving them the opportunity to investigate or research a topic of interest. 4-H'ers will spend a weekend at Rock Eagle (March 07-09, 2025), competing against other 4-H'ers from the Northeast district. Read more about?

Portfolios Workshop

7th & 8th graders—Portfolios are required to attend Junior DPA at Rock Eagle. This workshop will help you plan, compile, and complete your portfolios before they are due at the end of December. Workshops will begin after school and end at 5:00 P.M. ?Save the Date:?TBA

Speech Preparation Workshop

7th & 8th graders—Speeches are required to attend Junior DPA at Rock Eagle. This workshop will help you plan, compile, and complete your speech before they are due at the end of February. Workshops will begin after school and end at 5:00 P.M. ?Save the Date:?TBA

Staff Listing