4-H Programs
Georgia 4-H is a program of the 海角官方首页 Extension System. 4-H is part of a nationwide Extension network.
Georgia 4-H is all about exploring, discovering, encouraging and challenging. Georgia 4-H assists youth in acquiring knowledge, developing life skills, and forming attitudes that will enable them to become self-directing, productive and contributing members of society. 4-H'ers learn through hands on learning experiences. These experiences focus on agricultural and environmental issues thru awareness, leadership, communication skills, food, nutrition, health, energy, conservation, and citizenship.
4-H is youth and adults learning, growing and working together to experience and accomplish the extraordinary.
4-H'ers know how to have fun while doing lots of great things. Members can choose from more than sixty-three projects covering everything from air science to wildlife. 4-H members have taken part in lots of events this year (Creative Gardening, 4-H Fun Run, Earth day Poster Contest, and Junior and Senior DPA, Rock Eagle Summer Camp).
4-H is a fun program where you get to "Learn by Doing." 4-H offers something to match everyone's interest. Best of all, membership is FREE!
What is 4-H?
Our Mission:
To assist youth in acquiring knowledge, developing life skills and forming attitudes that will enable them to become self directing, productive and contributing member of society. This mission is accomplished through hands-on learning experiences focused on agricultural and environmental issues, agricultural awareness, leadership, communication skills, foods and nutrition, energy conservation and citizenship.
Green & White
I pledge my head to clearer thinking
My heart to greater loyalty
My hands to larger service
My health to better living
For my club
My Community
My Country
And My World.
Essential Elements:
Club Meetings
5th Grade
Toombs County 4-H meets during the school day, once a month with all fifth graders in Toombs County and Vidalia City Schools. Students will participate in an educational portion, as well as learn about upcoming activities. Students work all school year to earn 100 clover points, to win a discounted trip to Splash in the Boro in the Summer. Students can earn points by completing friends magazines, returning a signed newsletter, community service projects, contests of the month, and participating in DPA or BB Team.
6th Grade
Toombs County 4-H meets during the school day during science class at Toombs County Middle and in the library every month at JR Trippe Middle during club time. Students will participate in an educational portion, as well as learn about upcoming activities. Students work all school year to earn 100 clover points, to win a discounted trip to Splash in the Boro in the Summer. Students can earn points by completing worksheets, returning a signed newsletter, community service projects, contests of the month, and participating in DPA or BB Team.
7th Grade
Toombs County 4-H meets during the school day during science class at Toombs County Middle and in the library every month at JR Trippe Middle School. Students will participate in an educational program called Relationships Smarts. This program was created by Dibble Institute and teaches youth about making educated decisions to create and maintain healthy relationships, values, and discovering their goals.
Competitive Events
District Project Achievement (DPA)
DPA is a public speaking contest that allows youth to create and share a demonstration over something that interests them.
5th - 6th Grades: Toombs County 4-H hosts DPA at Toombs County Middle each year in the Fall. 4-H staff will meet with students after school once a week leading up to the contest. We will assist students in picking topics, outlining and writing their speech, and creating their posters during these after school meetings.
7th - 12th Grades: Junior and Senior 4-H-ers compete at Rock Eagle 4-H Center in February each year. 4-Hers pick a project area of interest, do project work in that area throughout the year then research a specific topic, write a presentation, and present it to a judging panel. Youth will also submit a portfolio for written work that showcases the work they have been doing related to that project.
Judging Teams
Poultry (Spring)
Poultry Judging is an evaluation event in which students learn standards used in poultry, egg production and marketing. Youth learn to apply the standards in a realistic decision-making situation throughout the contest. 4-Hers will judge live specimens and market poultry, identify parts of birds prepared for market, and evaluate eggs as to their quality and readiness for market. 4-Hers will gain skills of decision making, critical thinking, and problem solving during Poultry Judging. This contest is held in the Spring.
Cotton Boll & Consumer (Fall)
Cotton Boll and Consumer Judging teaches 4-Hers the importance of cotton as an agricultural commodity as they create a commercial about cotton. 4-Hers will become knowledgeable about making rational decisions when purchasing goods and services while maximizing their resources. This contest is held in the Fall.
Project S.A.F.E.
Toombs County 4-H Project SAFE uses the shooting sports to teach many valuable life skills. Project SAFE (Shooting Awareness, Fun and Education) provides youth a place to develop a sense of belonging, learn teamwork in a safe environment and increase concentration skills. Safety and the responsible use of firearms and equipment is a primary goal.
BB Team
Age: 5th-9th Grade
Registration/Practice Starts: November
Using a BB gun (Daisy 499B), 4-H'ers are required to shoot using 10 shots each in 4 positions: Prone, standing, sitting and kneeling. At district competitions, a safety exam consisting of 25 questions will be given as part of the overall score. Shooters that qualify at District will advance to State competition as a team or individual.
Modified Trap
Age: 7th-12th Grade
Registration/Practice Starts: February
District qualifications are held in March/April with state competition in May.?
Annual Krispy Kreme Doughnut Sale (Spring)
Toombs County 4-H sells doughnuts each Spring to help fund costs for general programming each year. This fundraiser is a pre-sell fundraiser, where 4-Hers can earn incentives.
Prizes are as followed for Krispy Kreme Doughnut Sale:
Sell 12 Boxes/Certificates:? Movies Pass to Sweet Onion Cinemas
Sell 25 Boxes/Certificates:? Free Rewards Trip during the Summer & Movie Pass
Sell 50 Boxes/Certificates:? $25 Gift Card to Store of Choice, Rewards Trip & Movie Pass
Fund Your Way to Camp!
Rada Cutlery: This is a pre-sell only. 4-Hers will receive at least 35% of the profit of total merchandise sold towards their camp balance.
Candy Bars: After making a non-refundable $100 deposit, 4-Hers can sale candy bars to raise funds for camp. Parents can check out 1 box of 60 candy bars at a time. After the candy bars are sold, return the $60 ($1 per candy bar) to the 4-H office. $33 dollars will pay for the expense of the candy bars and $27 will go towards the 4-Hers camp balance.
Low on Funds? That’s no excuse not to attend camp! Toombs County 4-H offers fundraisers starting in February, each year to earn money to earn your way to camp. We off two fundraisers for camp, Candy Bars and Rada Cutlery Brochure Sale. See the Fundraiser tab for more information.