Judging and Team Events
4-H Judging Teams
4-H Cotton Boll and Consumer Judging
Do you love to shop and want to get to most for your hard earned money? Come learn how to be a savvy shopper!
Cotton Boll and Consumer Judging is a competitive judging contest where 4-H'ers how to observe, compare and make decisions based on consumer research. In the contest, 4-H'ers rank products based on quality and economy. They learn about cotton as an agriculture commodity in our state as well as to promote cotton through commercials or advertisements. 4-H’ers gain skills in making rational decisions when purchasing goods and services. They will select the best product and give reasons for their choice of one over the others. Part of the fun includes creating a commercial for their cotton product!
Consumer Judging takes place in September and October.?
- Become a savvy consumer and made good decisions on spending your money!
- Learn about cotton and its impact on Georgia
- This is a Fall judging team event.? These Jr and Sr. 4-H teams meet after school beginning in September at the Morgan County 4-H Office. Come Join and learn how to make good buying choices.
Wildlife Judging Team
Call Janet Woodard (706) 342-2214 for more information.
Wildlife Judging gives 4-H’ers an appreciation for wildlife and challenges them to manage wildlife habitat and preserve this valuable resource. Competitions are held at the county, district, state and national levels.
- Team members will learn about wildlife habitat and risks, identify risks and damages and common wildlife and Fisheries Food
Livestock Judging Teams
Poultry Judging
Morgan County 4-H Poultry Judging Team beings in January.? Please call for more information:? Mrs Woodard or Mrs. Cagle, 706-342-2214.
Poultry judging is event where students learn and understand standards used in poultry and egg production and marketing, and to apply the standards in a realistic decision-making situation in selecting the best quality and are able to discuss why they selected their choice.
During the contest, participants judge both live specimens and market poultry, identify parts of birds already prepared for market, and evaluate eggs as to their quality and readiness for market. For at least one class, typically a live production class, participants are asked to justify their placing decisions through a set of oral reasons.
Participants compare their opinion of an animal against the ideal as specified by industry experts, and learn organizational skills as they compose their thoughts into a cohesive set of reasons justifying their decisions. The skills of decision making, critical thinking, and problem solving are acquired throughout the process.
Horse Judging and Hippology
Horse Judging team members learn to judge eight classes, four conformation and four performance classes. They give reasons for the ranking or placing and explain their decisions. 4-H’ers not only learn the basics of judging and placing horses, they also learn the valuable life skills of decision making, critical thinking, organization, teamwork, competition, public speaking, and self confidence. This contest is open to all 4-H'ers from all over Georgia ages 9-19.??This contest is in Athens usually in May.
Hippology Team members apply their equine knowledge and skills through a written test, a skill station, a judging competition and a team problems component. Team members’ work together to solve a specific issue as it relates to equine management. Participants must work with three or four team members in this equine event. Each spring, the State 4-H Hippology contest is held in Athens, Georgia at the 海角官方首页 Instructional Arena, held in conjunction with the State Horse Judging competition and is open to all 4-H'ers from all over Georgia ages 9-19.? Contest is in Athens usually in May
For specific details call Lucy Ray, Morgan County Extension: 706-342-2214.? Practices are afterschool on Mondays from 4-5:30 p.m.
Livestock Judging
This is a great way to learn about all the different types of livestock (beef cattle, hogs and sheep) and how to know how to select the best animal for your money.? Team members will:
- learn about these three types of livestock and develop skills in selecting good livestock.
- learn to identify breeds and classes of livestock and help improve livestock on the farm.
- learn how to make individual decisions and support them with oral statements.
They will be able to rank one or more breeding classes of beef cattle, hogs, and sheep and give reasons for their placements for the animal based on the individual animal's traits.
*no animals are required to participate.
If you are interested in joining the Livestock Judging Team contact Mrs. Janet Woodard for details: 706-342-2214
Dairy Judging
Team members will be able to identify cow breeds and evaluate classes of dairy animals and be able to discuss their ranking choices with reasons.
They learn to demonstrate their knowledge of dairy-related topics in a competitive and thought-stimulating environment. . They have the opportunity to strengthen their decision-making and leadership skills in an environment which allows contribution to a group effort, encouraging teamwork and collaboration with a diverse group of peers.
Two divisions of teams compete during the quiz bowl, Junior Teams and Senior Teams. Junior Teams consist of 4-8 grade youth, and Senior Teams consist of 9-12 grade youth. Each county was permitted two teams in each division.
The panel teams compete in double elimination brackets. Points are awarded to teams with correct answers after indicating with button signals. Prior to the contest, each participating county was required to submit 25 questions based on Hoard’s Dairyman or any other dairy publication, which were used to create the quiz bowl trivia questions.
The winning Senior team will represent Georgia at the North American Invitational 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl Contest in November 2020.
If you are interested in joining the Dairy Judging Team this Spring. Contact Mrs. Shannon Cagle for details: 706-342-2214