Healthy Homes
Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States, after tobacco smoke. Radon is a colorless, tasteless, and odorless gas, occurring naturally in the soil and entering our homes through foundations and well water.
For a radon air test kit please visit the following website: use this link for radon air test kits.
Radon test kits for checking well water are available at the Monroe County Extension Office for $40 ($30 for the test fee plus $10 for an overnight shipping label).
Due to special considerations in measuring radon in drinking water, it is necessary to follow certain guidelines on collecting the sample. . Necessary forms and collection bottles are available at Monroe County Extension Office.
Newsletters and Publications on Radon
Newsletters and Publications
"Manufacturers create medications in many shapes, sizes, and colors. These features
help consumers identify their medication. The unfortunate consequence of bright,
colorful shapes is that medications may be attractive to young children, making
them a poisoning danger."
help consumers identify their medication. The unfortunate consequence of bright,
colorful shapes is that medications may be attractive to young children, making
them a poisoning danger."
Article contributed by Nicole Walters?
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