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Lowndes County 4-H currently competes in three judging competitions during the school year. They are described below!?

District Project Achievement

What is 4-H Project Achievement?

Project Achievement is a cornerstone 4-H program that helps 4-H'ers develop written and oral communication skills as they research a topic of interest, and give a presentation. The projects are then judged and the 4-Hers with the highest scores in their categories receive awards and/or scholarships. Participants must be 4-H members during the current year and enrolled in their county's 4-H program. Participants may choose from a variety of topic areas related to agriculture and STEM, citizenship, and healthy living.

7th-12th graders add a record keeping component (called a portfolio) that highlights the work they have done in their project area and community service. ?

Cotton Boll Consumer Judging

Combine shopping with learning and what do you get?

Cotton Boll Consumer Judging. This competition teaches youth to make sound shopping decisions and develop reasoning skills. Competition consist of 4 classes of products that students judge based on a fictional scenario selecting the product that best meets the need of the scenario and gives verbal reasons for their selection in one of the classes.


Poultry Judging

Poultry judging is an evaluation event in which students learn and understand standards used in poultry and egg production and marketing, and to apply the standards in a realistic decision-making situation.
During the contest, participants judge both live specimens and market poultry, identify parts of birds already prepared for market, and evaluate eggs as to their quality and readiness for market.

Want to participate? Let us know!