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Summer Camp

Let's go to 4-H camp!

Georgia 4-H offers summer camps each year for different age groups. Camp locations are announced in the fall and camp sign-up is underway now.

  • Archery Demonstration
    Archery Demonstration
  • 4-H'ers drawing in the sand
    4-H'ers drawing in the sand
  • Summer Camps
    Summer Camps

4th, 5th and 6th grades

Cloverleaf camp is for 4-H members currently in 4th, 5th or 6th grade. Cloverleaf camp offers great adventure, friendship and fun, and all seek to develop the camper's Head, Heart, Hands and Health to make him or her a better person. Enthusiastic and well-trained camp counselors, Extension employees and certified volunteers work together to provide campers with unforgettable memories to last a lifetime!

This year Cloverleaf 4-H'ers will attend camp at Camp Jekyll, Jekyll Island, Georgia the week of July 10th-14th.

Remember: Our 4-H Fundraisers = money you can apply toward camp cost!

Junior Camp

7th and 8th grades

If you are in the 7th or 8th grade, you will not want to miss this camp!! Come and enjoy an awesome week at Camp Fortson the week of June 19th-23rd.

Spaces fill up very fast. So, if you are interested in going, return your camp application with your payment (or deposit) to the Extension office as soon as possible to secure your spot.

And remember: Our 4-H Fundraisers - money you can apply toward camp cost!


Senior Camp

9th - 12th grades

Calling all Senior 4-H'ers! Sign up early for Senior Camp. Check out our video to your right.? You will not want to miss this awesome week!!?This year Senior Camp will be the week of July 3rd-7th at the Rock Eagle 4-H Center in Eatonton, GA.

Spaces fill up very fast. So, if you are interested in going, return your camp application along with your payment (or deposit) to the Extension office as soon as possible to secure your spot.

And remember:? Our Fundraisers = money you can apply toward camp cost!