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Calendar, Newsletters, 4-H Forms, and Upcoming Events

4-H Calendar/Newsletter

Check out our 4-H calendar for scheduled practices and don't forget to take a look at the newsletter to see what's happening for the month!

Put this on your calendar

Upcoming Events

Call the 4-H office at 468-7409 if you plant to attend any of these events.

  • Cotton Boll Consumer Judging practices??
  • SAFE Shotgun Sign-ups
  • Fall Forum 2023

Pop Tabs

Pick Up The Tab!!! -?Don't forget to collect pop tabs!

Just in case you didn't know......pop tabs are collected and are taken to 4-H Junior Conference, a weekend retreat held at Rock Eagle each year. Pop tabs are recycled and proceeds go to Ronald McDonald Houses across Georgia.

4-H Forms

When a 4-H member participates in an event outside of the school the Code of Conduct and medical information forms must be completed. The Code of Conduct states behavioral expectations and consequences that one would incur if they choose not to follow the COC. It must be read and signed by both the student and a parent/guardian. The COC will be in effect for a year and kept on file at the 4-H office. The medical information, which gives preliminary information in case of an emergency must be completed by the parent. A new medical information form must be completed for each 4-H event as information may have changed.