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So Easy To Preserve

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海角官方首页 Extension is pleased to offer a new edition of its popular book, So Easy To Preserve.

This beautiful book contains the latest U.S. Department of Agriculture recommendations for safe food preservation. So Easy To Preserve is now a 375-page book with over 185 tested recipes, along with step-by-step instructions and in-depth information for both the new and experienced food preserver. Chapters include Preserving Food, Canning, Pickled Products, Jellied Fruit Products, Freezing and Drying. This 5th edition has 35 new tested recipes and processes, in addition to a new section with recommended procedures for home-canned salsas. Publication Date: 09/06.


Topics covered within the book include:

Preserving Foods: Different methods of food preservation, how they work, the costs to consider and the amounts of foods needed are included to help you select the best method for your lifestyle and product.

Canning: The basics of canning...which method is safe, what equipment will be needed, how to actually perform the steps to ensure a safe product...are provided. Directions are listed for canning many different products.

Pickled Products: Ingredients and equipment needed for successful pickling are discussed. Recipes for cucumber and other vegetable pickles, fruit pickles and a wide assortment of relishes provide the opportunity to add spice to your meals.

Jellied Fruit Products: Jellies, jams, preserves, marmalades, conserves, butters, syrups, uncooked jams and jellies, products without added sugar...this chapter has it all. The variety of recipes help you choose the product that is right for you.

Freezing: Freezing is always a safe alternative, but what will the quality of the finished product be like? Details are included about how freezing affects food, which foods do not freeze well, what to do when your freezer breaks down and how to freeze more than 150 different foods.

Drying: Drying is the oldest form of food preservation, and now with electric food dehydrators, it is easier than ever. From tips to help you prepare safer jerky to tips that keep your fruits from darkening, this chapter is where you will find it.

In addition to the topics listed, each chapter includes a list of most frequently asked questions and a table of problems, causes and ways to prevent the problem from happening again. Each chapter is followed by a pocket page that allows you to keep notes and favorite recipes at your fingertips.


For additional information, please contact the Extension Office at (770) 288-8421.