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Soil, Plant & Water Analysis


Soil Testing

Cost: $8.00 per sample

Instructions For Taking Soil Samples:

  1. With a spade, trowel, auger, or soil sampling tube, take a thin vertical slice of soil from at least 10-20 different places in the area to be tested. Mix thoroughly together, and fill the soil sample bag (provided at the Extension Office) to the "fill line". Two cups of soil is all that is required for this test.
  2. For row crops sample to plow depth; for lawns and turf and pasture surface 4" depth; gardens surface 6" depth; orchards surface 8 to 12" depth; and pecan groves surface 6 to 8" depth. For more detailed information on soil sampling guidelines contact your county Extension office.
  3. One sample should represent no more than 15 acres. If more than one soil type is present within sampling area, take a separate sample from each soil type. Avoid sampling high and low spots, areas along roads, old fence rows, fertilizer bands, etc. Sample problem areas separately.

The?Henry County Extension Office accepts Cash or Check only at this time.?

Water Testing

Please bring a one pint water sample to the Extension Office for basic/expanded testing. Please contact our ANR Agent at the Extension Office for price information.

Basic Water Test:

Cost: $26.00?

? pH ? Hardness ? Aluminum ? Boron ? Calcium ? Chromium ? Copper ? Iron?? Magnesium
? Manganese ? Molybdenum ? Nickel ? Phosphorus ? Potassium ? Silica ? Sodium ? Zinc

Expanded Water Test Package: basic + more

Cost: $66.00?

? Alkalinity ? Conductivity ? Saturation Index ? Total Dissolved Solids ? Nitrate-N?
? Chloride ? Fluoride ? Sulfate ? Phosphate

Standard Bacteria Test (E-Coli)?:

Cost: $46.00 (mail payment with sample) ?

? Total Coliform ? Escherichia Coli

Home Loan Closing Test (W33B):

Cost $95.00 (mail payment with sample)

  • Bottle 1: Total Coliform - Escherichia Coli
  • Bottle 2: Lead, Nitrite, and Nitrate??


Extension Publications

  • (C 1016) Homeowners sometimes experience unpleasant odors in their household water. In many cases, the exact cause of the odor is difficult to determine by water testing; however, this publication provides a few general recommendations for treating some common causes of household water odors.
  • (C 943) The recommendations in this circular are based on long-term average dates of the last killing frost in the spring and first killing frost in the fall. Every year does not conform to the "average," so you should use your own judgment about advancing or delaying the time for each job, depending on weather conditions.
  • (C 963) When space is limited, a plentiful supply of crops such as tomatoes, peppers, eggplant and okra can be grown with a few properly cared-for plants.
  • (C 896) Developing and maintaining productive soils begin with soil testing. Soils tests provide information on the soil's actual nutrient status. Test results are used to determine the amount and kind of nutrients that should be added for the best growth of lawn, garden, and other types of plants.