
海角官方首页 Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between and .

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Project Achievement

6th Grade

If your 6th grader enjoyed participating at CPA/DPA in 5th grade they can compete in February against other counties.?
If interested please call the Extension/4-H office at 770-288-8421.
  • - detailed description of each category
  • - All categories under General Resources
  • - project videos

Jr/Sr Project Achievement

  • DPA Workshop - project assistance and portfolio help
  • - project videos

Please note that you must have your project area picked out and your contract turned in as instructed by your 4-H Program Assistant.?Make sure to keep up with your?Point Scale sheet. Your points will be approved when you turn in your finalized portfolio.?

Junior Project Achievement RESOURCES?-
7th & 8th Grade

Find your project area by looking at the Project Listing page:

Read over the " What to expect when choosing to participate in?7th and 8th grade?DPA"

to get an idea of what goes on at DPA

Jump Start to your portfolio

Point Scale

Here are a list of verbs to help "jazz" up your portfolio:
VERBS you can use in your portfolio

Use this template to help you create your portfolio:
Portfolio Template for?7th and 8th grade
Portfolio Template for 7th and 8th grade
?- Word version

? -9th-12th grade 4-H'ers

Find your project area by looking at the Project Listing page:

Read over the " What to expect when choosing to participate in?9th-12thgrade DPA" to get an idea of what goes on at DPA.?

Jump Start to your portfolio


Use this template to help you create your portfolio:
Portfolio Template for 9th - 12th grade
Portfolio Template for 9th - 12th grade?
- Word version


For more information about creating your portfolio?call (770) 288-8421.
