CCMG Newsletters
?? 2017 Newsletters
? ? ? ? ? 2018 Newsletters
Subscription Options
Our newsletter articles are written by Cherokee County Master Gardeners and is published bi-monthly for the months of February/March, April/May. June/July, August/September, October/November, December/January.? There are six (6) issues per year.
??????????? There are two different ways to receive the newsletter:
WEB PAGE: {FREE} ?Newsletter is available on our web page at:?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?or
PAPER SUBSCRIPTION:? Cost for a mailed subscription is $10.00 per 6 issues.? Please complete the form below and send the form with your $10.00 check made payable to:?
Cherokee County Master Gardeners Inc.
Send to:?? CCMG c/o D Y Walton, 326 Lauren Lane, Woodstock GA? 30188.
[Please Print]
Name: ___________?? Date: ___________
Address:? __________________________
City? ________State_____ County _______ ?ZipCode_________
Phone: _____________________________?
Thank You,
Newsletter Staff
Plant Sale___ Seminars___ Farmers Market___ Other_____ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?