39 publications were found
on Irrigation
- Anticipating Drought on Rainfed Farms in the Southeast (B 1403) Nobody wants drought, but it's been happening a lot in recent years in the Southeastern U.S. For farmers without irrigation, it may seem that little can be done besides accept what rain comes. However, by paying attention to forecasts and following general practices that help collect and retain moisture, risk can be reduced for all manner of future climate conditions. Here are some ideas for what …
- Blueberry Irrigation Water Quality (C 1105) This circular is a review of water quality standards, calculations, and recommendations for water that will be used for irrigation of blueberries.
- Calibration of Center Pivot Irrigation Systems for Wastewater Applications (B 1458) This publication was developed to provide farmers applying animal wastewater with step-by-step instructions to calibrate their center pivot irrigation systems. Within each step, the publication provides reasoning for that step and any equations to calculate the needed values. Along with instructions, the publication also provides a fillable table to collect data and charts to help determine applic…
- Center Pivot Calibration for Wastewater: A Field Reference Guide (C 1084) This publication is intended to be used by those familiar with calibrating a center pivot system. The circular lists the steps, calculations, and charts needed to calibrate a center pivot irrigation system pumping wastewater, without explanations of the process itself. The PDF version contains worksheets and formulas. The step-by-step calibration procedure includes determining: the wetted diamete…
- Chemigation in Georgia (B 1298) Chemigation is an inclusive term referring to the application of a chemical into or through an irrigation system. It includes the application of fertilizers, acids, chlorine and pesticides. Chemigation can save time, reduce labor requirements, and conserve energy and materials. Chemigation is beneficial, however, only to the extent that the irrigation system is adequately designed, fully functiona…
- Community and School Gardens Series: Irrigation (C 1027-12) This publication describes irrigation methods suitable for community or school gardens, including overhead sprinklers, hand watering and drip irrigation.
- Considerations for Subsurface Drip Irrigation Application in Humid and Subhumid Areas (C 903) Subsurface drip irrigation is the practice of installing drip irrigation below the ground surface. This publication is designed to provide a brief introduction to the site selection, design, installation, and management of subsurface drip irrigation.
- Cost of Irrigation Ownership and Operating Costs through Irrigation Budgets for South Georgia (C 1235) These irrigation budgets, developed by University of Georgia Cooperative Extension, are estimates of the irrigation costs of a center pivot irrigation system located in southeast Georgia. Our intention is to provide flexible, user-friendly irrigation budgets with default values. That being said, the variation among different farm conditions can impact investment costs and annual costs associated w…
- Drip Irrigation Checklist: Start-Up (C 1093) This publication reviews the critical items to address when starting a drip irrigation system that has been idle. This is important information for specialty crop producers and homeowners that have drip irrigation systems servicing fruit, nut, and vegetable crops.
- Drip Irrigation Checklist: Winterization (C 1094) This publication addresses winterization of a drip irrigation system. The circular includes information about winterization timing, components of a drip system, precautions to take when servicing a drip system, and a quick reference run-down to the winterization process.
- Drip Irrigation in Pecans (B 936) Research conducted on drip-irrigated pecans in Georgia over the past several years has shown that drip irrigation is highly beneficial even in wet years. The objective of drip irrigation is to supply each plant with sufficient soil moisture to meet transpiration demands. Drip irrigation offers unique agronomic, agrotechnical and economic advantages for the efficient use of water.
- Drip Irrigation in the Home Vegetable Garden (C 1095) This publication is designed to give small market growers, homeowners, and Master Gardener audiences a quick guide to selecting and installing drip irrigation in the vegetable garden.
- Evaluating and Interpreting Application Uniformity of Center Pivot Irrigation Systems (C 911) With rising fuel prices it is increasingly important that irrigation systems apply water uniformly in order to achieve maximum benefit from the water applied. The uniformity of water application under a center pivot is determined by setting out cans or rain gauges along the length of the pivot, bringing the irrigation system up to proper operating pressure, and letting the system pass over them.
- Factors to Consider in Selecting a Farm Irrigation System (B 882) The majority of agricultural irrigation systems in Georgia fit into one of two broad categories: sprinkler irrigation and micro-irrigation. Sprinkler irrigation systems include center pivot, linear move, traveling gun, permanent set and solid set. Micro-irrigation systems include drip (or trickle) irrigation and micro-sprinklers. No one system is best for every application. Once you decide to ins…
- Greenhouse*A*Syst Series: Irrigation and Technology Assessment (B 1275) The Greenhouse*A*Syst series of publications is a confidential self-assessment program you can use to evaluate your greenhouse business for risks associated with water management issues. Armed with facts and figures, you will then be able to reevaluate your management strategies and determine ways to conserve water and minimize those risks. By following the guidelines, you will be able to establis…
- Greenhouse*A*Syst Series: Water Management Assessment (B 1276) The Greenhouse*A*Syst series of publications is a confidential self-assessment program you can use to evaluate your greenhouse business for risks associated with water management issues. Armed with facts and figures, you will then be able to reevaluate your management strategies and determine ways to conserve water and minimize those risks. By following the guidelines, you will be able to establis…
- Greenhouse*A*Syst Series: Water Quality Assessment (B 1277) The Greenhouse*A*Syst series of publications is a confidential self-assessment program you can use to evaluate your greenhouse business for risks associated with water management issues. Armed with facts and figures, you will then be able to reevaluate your management strategies and determine ways to conserve water and minimize those risks. By following the guidelines, you will be able to establis…
- Greenhouse*A*Syst Series: Water Recycling and Water Reuse Assessment (B 1278) The Greenhouse*A*Syst series of publications is a confidential self-assessment program you can use to evaluate your greenhouse business for risks associated with water management issues. Armed with facts and figures, you will then be able to reevaluate your management strategies and determine ways to conserve water and minimize those risks. By following the guidelines, you will be able to establis…
- Greenhouse*A*Syst Series: Water Use Regulation, Legislative Awareness and Company Water Policy Assessment (B 1279) The Greenhouse*A*Syst series of publications is a confidential self-assessment program you can use to evaluate your greenhouse business for risks associated with water management issues. Armed with facts and figures, you will then be able to reevaluate your management strategies and determine ways to conserve water and minimize those risks. By following the guidelines, you will be able to establis…
- Irrigating Tobacco (B 892) This publication is a comprehensive guide to irrigation methods for tobacco in Georgia.
- Irrigation for Lawns and Gardens (B 894) In order to maintain a lush, green lawn and productive garden, supplemental water in the form of irrigation is often needed during peak water use periods. Two basic types of irrigation are suitable for the home landscape: sprinkler irrigation and drip (or trickle) irrigation. This publication contains comprehensive information about irrigating lawns and gardens.
- Irrigation Pumping Plant Performance (C 965) Irrigation pumping plant performance can be easily determined in the field with a few simple calculations. Standard figures can reasonably be expected from well-designed, well-maintained systems.
- Irrigation Pumping Plants and Energy Use (B 837) Energy inputs for irrigation pumping frequently exceed the energy used for all other crop production practices. This fact, coupled with rapidly increasing fuel and energy costs, causes irrigation farmers to look for ways to reduce energy consumption. Careful consideration should be given to selecting a pump that will deliver water to the system with the greatest possible efficiency. After installa…
- Irrigation Reference Guide for Corn, Cotton, Peanuts, and Soybeans (C 1189) A farm’s return on investment is directly affected by the way water is applied to its crops. The wrong end-gun settings can result in overwatering or underwatering large portions of field acres. Clogged or partially clogged nozzles lead to obvious water shortages that can be visually observed or measured using yield monitors. Systems not properly checked and maintained can lead to significant loss…
- Irrigation Scheduling Methods (B 974) To schedule irrigation for most efficient use of water and to optimize production, it is desirable to frequently determine the soil water conditions throughout the root zone of the crop being grown. A number of methods for doing this have been developed and used with varying degrees of success. In comparison to investment in irrigation equipment, these scheduling methods are relatively inexpensive…
- Irrigation Water Quality for Agriculture (B 1448) With growing demands for potable (suitable for drinking) water (due to population increase) and expanding irrigated acreage, there is an increased pressure on irrigated farms to consider using nonpotable alternatives. However, low quality irrigation water can adversely affect soil physical conditions and crop production. This publication provides in-depth information on the following aspects of a…
- Low-Volume Irrigation Systems for Blueberry with Chemigation and Fertigation Suggestions (B 1504) Drip, trickle, microemitters, and subsurface irrigation systems are considered low-volume irrigation. Low-volume irrigation systems are designed to improve irrigation efficiency, delivering water to the crop accurately with minimal water loss. Irrigation efficiency can be categorized into two main concepts: water loss and uniform application. If water loss is significant, or application uniformity…
- Nozzle Selection for Sprayers Equipped with Pulse Width Modulation Technology (C 1305) Pulse width modulation (PWM) technology is becoming a standard option on most new agricultural sprayers because of its ability to precisely regulate both flow rate and pressure over a wide range of travel speeds. This publication provides information on nozzle selection for sprayers equipped with PWM technology, including how to use PWM nozzle selection/tabulation charts, other useful online tools…
- Pecan Water Requirements and Irrigation Scheduling (C 1106) Pecan trees have high water requirements, using as much as 60 inches of total water (including rainfall) during the growing season. Georgia receives an average of 50 inches or more of rainfall annually. While the rainfall received certainly meets a portion of the water requirement for pecan trees, periods of moisture stress occur during the growing season, particularly during the months of August …
- Principles of Irrigation and Scheduling for Vegetable Crops in Georgia (B 1511) This bulletin contains guidelines to determine irrigation scheduling for vegetable production in Georgia. Irrigation scheduling varies with water management and growers may require different technologies to properly manage water application. This information is supplied to help irrigation managers schedule and operate irrigation systems to optimal capacity, applying water precisely to the crop for…
- Sampling Irrigation Water for Blueberry Production (C 1104) This publication outlines the sampling procedure for irrigation water to be used in blueberry production. Follow the outlined steps to provide a certified lab with a sample that is representative of the irrigation water to be used for growing blueberry plants.
- Shallow Subsurface Drip Irrigation: A Tool for Organic Vegetable Growers (B 1564) This publication highlights some of the ongoing research into using SSDI in organic vegetable crop production. SSDI facilitates cultivation without harming drip tubing and limits surface soil wetting, which may also reduce weed pressure. Prior research has shown that SSDI offers some advantages over surface-placed drip tubing in conventionally grown crops (Coolong, 2016).
- Spring Center Pivot and Lateral Irrigation System Preparation (B 1452) The main objective of this fact sheet is to provide a checklist of what is needed to properly prepare a center pivot or lateral irrigation system for the production season. All of the topics covered apply to both pivot and lateral irrigation systems, but for brevity, only center pivots will be referenced. By using the items in this fact sheet as a guideline for preventative maintenance, most break…
- 海角官方首页 EASY Pan Irrigation Scheduler (B 1201) The 海角官方首页 EASY (Evaporation-based Accumulator for Sprinkler-enhanced Yield) Pan Irrigation Scheduler is designed to provide in-field monitoring of crop water needs in humid areas for a fraction of the management time and cost associated with other irrigation scheduling methods. If a farmer is not currently using a more sophisticated irrigation scheduling method, this unit is a simplified, low cost a…
- 海角官方首页 EASY Pan Irrigation Scheduler: Pan Size Considerations (B 1201-1) 海角官方首页 EASY Pan (Evaporation-based Accumulator for Sprinkler-enhanced Yield) was introduced in 2001 as a simple, cost-effective alternative for scheduling irrigations on sprinkler irrigated row crops in humid regions. Several users have questioned the need for the larger sized tub or pan. This publication presents results of a test with two smaller pans. The potential to use a s…
- Water Use and Irrigation Management for Vegetables in Georgia Series: Water Use and Irrigation Management for Vegetables in Georgia: Brassica Crops (C 1169) This publication is the second in a series focusing on irrigation scheduling for vegetable crops. It contains basic guidance on water use and irrigation management for Brassica crops such as cabbage, leafy greens, broccoli, and cauliflower, and this information should assist growers in scheduling irrigation.
- Water Use and Irrigation Management for Vegetables in Georgia Series: Water Use and Irrigation Management for Vegetables in Georgia: Solanaceae Crops (C 1216) This publication is part of a series focusing on irrigation scheduling for vegetable crops. It contains basic information on water use and irrigation management using the crop water demand method for Solanaceae crops such as bell peppers, tomatoes, and eggplants.
- Water Use and Irrigation Management for Vegetables in Georgia Series: Water Use and Irrigation Management for Vegetables in Georgia: Watermelon (Citrullis lanatus) (C 1183) This circular contains the fundamentals of watermelon irrigation scheduling using the crop water demand method. Decisions regarding the timing, frequency, and amount of water required for a crop are some of the most critical factors in vegetable production. There are numerous irrigation scheduling strategies employed by growers, but the crop water demand method of irrigation management is one of t…
- Winterizing Your Irrigation System (B 1439) Irrigation systems are used by farmers and homeowners to supply supplemental water to their crops. At the end of the growing season, the irrigation system should be checked and winterized to maintain proper operation for the coming season. This publication provides a list of suggested things that should by done on both drip and center pivot systems to help protect them during the winter months.