27 publications were found
on Peanuts
- 1999 Peanut, Cotton and Tobacco Performance Tests (RR 664) This research report presents the results of the 1999 statewide performance tests of peanut, cotton, and tobacco. The tests for various evaluations were conducted at several or all of the following locations: Tifton, Plains, and Midville in the Coastal Plain region and Athens in the Piedmont region. For identification of the test site locations, consult the map in this report.
- 2000 Peanut, Cotton and Tobacco Performance Tests (RR 671) This research report presents the results of the 2000 statewide performance tests of peanut, cotton and tobacco. The tests for various evaluations were conducted at several or all of the following locations: Tifton, Plains and Midville in the Coastal Plain region and Athens in the Piedmont region.
- 2025 Georgia Ag Forecast Series: Peanut Situation and 2025 Outlook (AP 130-3-08) 1. Peanut-planted acres in the United States and Georgia are expected to remain steady at current levels in 2025. 2. Forward contract prices in Georgia are projected to decline, with an estimated seasonal price range of $475–$525 per ton. 3. Peanut profitability is anticipated to remain a significant challenge for producers in 2025.
- An Analysis of Peanut Price Support Issues - 1996 (RB 425) In this report, analysis of data and results from previous studies are used to provide information concerning the peanut price support issue. This publication is provided for information purposes so that industry leaders may use it in their decision-making process.
- Eclipta Identification and Control in Peanut (C 869) Eclipta is considered to be one of the world's worst weeds. This publication discusses the identification and control of eclipta in peanut.
- Georgia 2010 Peanut, Cotton and Tobacco Performance Tests (AP 104-2) This publication presents the results of the 2010 statewide performance tests of peanut, cotton and tobacco. The tests for various evaluations were conducted at several or all of the following locations: Bainbridge, Tifton, Plains and Midville in the Coastal Plain region and Athens in the Piedmont region.
- Georgia 2011 Peanut, Cotton and Tobacco Performance Tests (AP 104-3) This publication presents the results of the 2011 statewide performance tests of peanut, cotton and tobacco. The tests for various evaluations were conducted at several or all of the following locations: Bainbridge, Tifton, Plains and Midville in the Coastal Plain region and Athens in the Piedmont region. Agronomic information such as grade, fiber data, plant height, lodging, disease occurrence, e…
- Georgia 2012 Peanut, Cotton and Tobacco Performance Tests (AP 104-4) This publication presents the results of the 2012 statewide performance tests of peanut, cotton and tobacco. The tests for various evaluations were conducted at several or all of the following locations: Bainbridge, Tifton, Plains and Midville in the Coastal Plain region and Athens in the Piedmont region.
- Georgia 2013 Peanut, Cotton and Tobacco Performance Tests (AP 104-5) This report presents the results of the 2013 peanut, cotton and tobacco performance tests.
- Georgia 2014 Peanut, Cotton and Tobacco Performance Tests (AP 104-6) This report presents the results of the 2014 peanut, cotton and tobacco variety performance tests.
- Georgia 2015 Peanut, Cotton and Tobacco Performance Tests (AP 104-7) This research report presents the results of the 2015 statewide performance tests of peanut, cotton, and tobacco. The tests for various evaluations were conducted at several or all of the following locations: Bainbridge, Tifton, Plains and Midville in the Coastal Plain region and Athens in the Piedmont region. Agronomic information such as grade, fiber data, plant height, lodging, disease occurre…
- Georgia 2016 Peanut, Cotton, and Tobacco Performance Tests (AP 104-8) This research report presents the results of the 2016 statewide performance tests of peanut, cotton, and tobacco. The tests for various evaluations were conducted at several or all of the following locations: Bainbridge, Tifton, Plains and Midville in the Coastal Plain region and Athens in the Piedmont region. Agronomic information such as grade, fiber data, plant height, lodging, disease occurre…
- Georgia 2017 Peanut, Cotton, and Tobacco Performance Tests (AP 104-9) This publication presents the results of the 2017 statewide performance tests of peanut, cotton, and tobacco. The tests for various evaluations were conducted at several or all of the following locations: Bainbridge, Tifton, Plains and Midville in the Coastal Plain region and Athens in the Piedmont region.
- Georgia 2018 Peanut, Cotton, and Tobacco Performance Tests (AP 104-10) This publication presents the results of the 2018 statewide performance tests of peanut, cotton, and tobacco. The tests for various evaluations were conducted at several or all of the following locations: Bainbridge, Tifton, Plains and Midville in the Coastal Plain region and Athens in the Piedmont region.
- Georgia 2019 Peanut, Cotton, and Tobacco Performance Tests (AP 104-11) This publication presents the results of the 2019 statewide performance tests of peanut, cotton, and tobacco. The tests for various evaluations were conducted at several or all of the following locations: Bainbridge, Tifton, Plains and Midville in the Coastal Plain region and Athens in the Piedmont region.
- Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Peanut (SB 28-24) Commercial insect and weed control in peanut. Updated annually.
- Haiti Peanut Research Report (B 1499) This report summarizes the findings of field trials and basic data collected in Haiti under the Feed the Future Peanut & Mycotoxin Innovation Lab project from 2014-2017. The focus of the research was to improve peanut productivity through management options for foliar diseases, low soil fertility, and other yield-limiting agronomic factors. French translation: /publicatio…
- Hophornbeam Copperleaf Identification and Control in Peanut (C 882) Hophornbeam copperleaf has become an increasing problem in agricultural fields throughout Georgia. It can occur at densities that have the potential to reduce yields and influence harvest efficiency. Hophornbeam copperleaf is also known as three-seeded mercury.
- Irrigation Reference Guide for Corn, Cotton, Peanuts, and Soybeans (C 1189) A farm’s return on investment is directly affected by the way water is applied to its crops. The wrong end-gun settings can result in overwatering or underwatering large portions of field acres. Clogged or partially clogged nozzles lead to obvious water shortages that can be visually observed or measured using yield monitors. Systems not properly checked and maintained can lead to significant loss…
- Peanut Digger and Combine Efficiency (B 1087) Consumers demand wholesome, good-tasting peanuts and peanut products. Meeting this demand starts on the farm with growing and harvesting the cleanest and least-damaged peanuts. This publication explains how peanut diggers and combines work and how to adjust them for peak efficiency to produce the highest quality peanuts.
- Peanut Production Field Guide (B 1146) The peanut production guide includes varieties, agronomic practices, pest management, irrigation management, equipment maintenance, maturity, and harvest practices.
- Peanut Response to Dicamba (C 1015) The objective of this publication is to provide county agents, peanut growers, crop consultants, agri-business personnel, etc. with information that can assist them in making appropriate management decisions after a suspected dicamba drift/volatilization or sprayer contamination problem has occurred.
- Peanut Response to Grazon? P+D (C 1190) Grazon? P+D (picloram + 2,4-D) injury, diagnosed as leaf roll, is occasionally observed in Georgia peanut fields due to the presence of contaminated soil, forage, animal waste (manure/urine), and/or irrigation water. Since peanut plants are very tolerant of low levels of 2,4-D, the primary cause of these leaf roll symptoms is picloram. When this injury occurs, growers are often concerned about how…
- Peanut Response to Liberty (C 1025) Liberty? (glufosinate-ammonium) has become a popular postemergence herbicide in Georgia due to its ability to control herbicide-resistant Palmer amaranth when applied in a timely manner. However, the popularity of Liberty?-resistant cultivars (e.g., Liberty-Link? and WideStrike?) has led to an increased potential for off-target movement and sprayer contamination of Liberty? to sensitive crops such…
- Peanut Yield Response to 2,4-D in Georgia (C 1036) This publication provides growers, county agents, crop consultants, etc. with information regarding peanut yield response to 2,4-D injury.
- Rapport de recherches sur l’arachide en Ha?ti (B 1499-FR) L’arachide est cultivée en Ha?ti depuis au moins 500 ans et remonte très probablement à la préhistoire. Selon Bartolomé de las Casas, un prêtre qui a accompagné Christophe Colomb lors de son expédition dans le Nouveau Monde et qui est accrédité avec la première description écrite de l’arachide, les Amérindiens indigènes ont cultivé l’arachide comme culture vivrière sur l’?le d’Hispaniola avant l’a…
- Tropic Croton Identification and Control in Cotton and Peanut (C 865) This publication discusses tropic croton identification and control in cotton and peanut.