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4 publications were found on Eggs
  • A Dozen Egg Abnormalities: How They Affect Egg Quality (C 1255) Egg production is the same for each hen whether a farm is producing on a small or large scale. There are a number of egg abnormalities that can occur, and some of these can impact egg quality and reduce the egg's grade based on USDA standards. Abnormalities may be a result of poor management, disease, nutritional deficiencies, or the age of the birds. This publication covers a dozen of the most co…
  • Importance of Grit Removal from Commercial Shell Egg Processing Wastewater (B 1402) This publication is designed to give commercial egg processors the information they need to understand and effectively deal with the wastewater grit generated from the conveying, washing and grading of table eggs.
  • Maintaining Good Egg Quality: A Guide for Small Producers (C 1230) The quality of an egg involves both the exterior and interior qualities of the egg. Egg quality includes the cleanliness of the shell, soundness of the shell, thickness of the albumen, and color of the yolk. Good egg quality is critical to maintaining the hatching potential of eggs, as improper handling or storage of eggs will reduce the ability of the eggs to hatch and produce good quality chicks…
  • Mislaid Egg Management in Cage-Free Hen Houses (C 1254) Researchers have investigated the issue of mislaid eggs in cage-free housing and the possibility of reducing the incidence of floor eggs through management of lighting, litter and bedding, and nesting space, and the use of robotics. Methods with potential for managing mislaid or floor eggs in cage-free layer houses can be summarized as follows: 1. House-lighting time management: In cage-free aviar…