Publications By Diane W Bales
Building Baby's Brain Series: Buffering the Brain From Toxic Stress (C 1053-12) Children who live in unpredictable worlds, who do not have the opportunity to form a secure attachment with a caregiver, or who live in an unsafe physical environment live in a constant state of heigh…
Building Baby's Brain Series: Creating Consistency to Aid Brain Development in Babies (C 1053-11) The developing brain thrives on repetition. When a baby experiences the same things over and over, the pathways of connections in her brain become stronger and more complex. One of the best ways to pr…
Building Baby's Brain Series: Is Breast Milk Best? (C 1053-07) Deciding how to feed your baby is one of the most important decisions expectant parents make during pregnancy. The first year of your baby's life is a time of rapid growth. By making sure your baby ge…
Building Baby's Brain Series: Learning Language (C 1053-05) If you're like most adults, learning a new language can be challenging. But the average baby learns a new language relatively easily. Babies learn language by hearing other people speak around them an…
Building Baby's Brain Series: Nurturing Positive Relationships (C 1053-09) Over the first months of life, babies build relationships with the adults who care for them. These early attachment relationships matter. Babies who form warm, loving relationships feel secure explori…
Building Baby's Brain Series: Prime Times for Learning (C 1053-02) Research in brain development shows there are certain windows of opportunity, known as sensitive periods, when certain parts of the brain develop most quickly. These windows are prime times for learni…
Building Baby's Brain Series: The Basics of Your Baby's Brain Development (C 1053-01) From the moment a baby is born, every experience taken in by the five senses helps strengthen the connections that guide development. No two brains are alike! Each child's brain creates individual pat…
Building Baby's Brain Series: The Importance of Play in Baby's Brain Development (C 1053-10) Play is one of the most essential activities babies do. Through play, babies and young children have the opportunity to experience new things and practice existing skills, which strengthens networks o…
Building Baby's Brain Series: The Role of Music in Brain Development (C 1053-06) Children who grow up listening to music develop strong music-related connections in the brain. Some of these music pathways actually affect the way we think. Listening to classical music seems to impr…
Building Baby's Brain Series: What Child Care Can Do to Support Brain Development (C 1053-04) Child care providers play an important role in nurturing children's healthy brain development. When it comes to supporting healthy brain development, the type of child care is less important than the …
Building Baby's Brain Series: What Parents Can Do to Support Healthy Brain Development (C 1053-03) All parents want their children to be smart and successful. Researchers have found that a child's brain continues to develop long after birth. Parents can do many things to support their child's healt…
Building Baby's Brain Series: What to Eat When You're Expecting (C 1053-08) Your diet is important throughout your pregnancy. However, there are some special needs to consider during each trimester. You can help your baby get a healthy start in life by eating a variety of nut…
Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: ?Cómo se siente estar lleno? (C 1037-12-SP) Para promover hábitos sanos, anime a su familia a dejar de comer cuando ya estén llenos.
Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: ?Cuánta actividad física? (C 1037-22-SP) Para mantener a su familia en forma, anímelos a mantenerse físicamente activos.
Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: ?Cuánta Agua Debería Beber? (C 1037-02-SP) Beber agua y mantenerse hidratados es importante para mantener a su familia sana.
Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: ?Qué Comer en el Desayuno? (C 1037-08-SP) Desayunar ayuda a su familia a comenzar el día de manera sana.
Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: Comer una Variedad de Alimentos es Sano (C 1037-04-SP) Para incentivar a su familia a mantenerse sana, coman una dieta variada.
Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: Comer una Variedad de Alimentos Puede ser Divertido (C 1037-05-SP) Motive a su familia a mantenerse saludables comiendo una variedad de alimentos.
Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: Cómo Comer Sano Sin Gastar Mucho (C 1037-17-SP) Para incentivar a su familia a mantenerse sana, coman una dieta variada.
Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: Consejos para Servir Porciones Más Peque?as (C 1037-14-SP) Promueva hábitos alimenticios saludables motivando a su familia a dejar de comer cuando se sientan llenos.
Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: Desayune (C 1037-09-SP) Desayunar ayuda a su familia a empezar el día de una manera saludable.
Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: El Agua Ayuda a los Ni?os a Tener ?xito (C 1037-03-SP) Beber agua y mantenerse hidratados es importante para mantener a su familia sana.
Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: El Desayuno es el Combustible para su Día (C 1037-06-SP) Desayunar ayuda a su familia a comenzar el día de manera sana.
Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: Es Importante Dejar de Comer Cuando Estamos Llenos (C 1037-11-SP) Para promover hábitos sanos, anime a su familia a dejar de comer cuando ya estén lleno.
Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: Hacer el Desayuno Puede ser Divertido (C 1037-10-SP) Desayunar ayuda a su familia a empezar el día de una manera saludable.
Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: La Actividad Física Ense?a Nuevas Habilidades (C 1037-20-SP) Para mantener a su familia en forma, anímelos a mantenerse físicamente activos.
Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: Los Beneficios de Mantenerse Físicamente Activo (C 1037-19-SP) Mantenga a su familia en forma motivándolos a estar físicamente activos.
Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: Motive a Su Hijo a Ser Activo (C 1037-23-SP) Para mantener a su familia en forma, anímelos a mantenerse físicamente activos.
Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: Por Qué es Importante Dejar de Comer Cuando Estamos Llenos (C 1037-15-SP) Para promover hábitos sanos, anime a su familia a dejar de comer cuando ya estén lleno.
Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: Sea un Modelo de Conductas Alimenticias Sanas (C 1037-18-SP) Para incentivar a su familia a mantenerse sana, coman una dieta variada.
Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: Seguridad y Actividad Física (C 1037-21-SP) Para mantener a su familia en forma, anímelos a mantenerse físicamente activos.
Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: Tama?os Adecuados de las Porciones (C 1037-13-SP) Para promover hábitos sanos, anime a su familia a dejar de comer cuando ya estén llenos.
Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: Tendencias Actuales de Actividad Física (C 1037-24-SP) Para mantener a su familia en forma, anímelos a mantenerse físicamente activos.
Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: Tomar Agua es Importante (C 1037-01-SP) Tomar agua y mantenerse hidratado es una parte importante para mantener a su familia saludable.
Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: Un Desayuno Sano Alimenta el Cerebro (C 1037-07-SP) Desayunar ayuda a su familia a comenzar el día de manera sana.
Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: Una Variedad de Alimentos para Ni?os Quisquillosos o Exigentes (C 1037-16-SP) Motive a su familia a mantenerse saludable comiendo una variedad de alimentos.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: A Healthy Breakfast Feeds the Brain (C 1037-07) Read about the connection between a healthy breakfast and children's learning, and work with your child to make a fruit smoothie for breakfast.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: A Variety of Foods for Picky Eaters (C 1037-16) Read tips for helping picky eaters try new foods, and play a food finder game with your child on your next grocery shopping trip.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Appropriate Portion Sizes (C 1037-13) Learn quick ways to estimate appropriate portion sizes for common foods, and help your child practice measuring and comparing portions of cereal.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Benefits of Staying Physically Active (C 1037-19) Read about the benefits of being physically active for adults and children, and play walking games with your child.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Breakfast Fuels Your Day (C 1037-06) Learn why breakfast is essential to good health, and encourage your children to make breakfast more interesting with healthy toppings for their hot or cold cereal.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Current Physical Activity Trends (C 1037-24) Read about current trends in physical activity, and help your child be active by finding creative ways to move while drawing with sidewalk chalk.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Drinking Water is Important (C 1037-01) Learn why drinking water is an important part of keeping yourself and your family healthy, and help children learn about hydration by exploring wet and dry sponges.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Eat Breakfast Together (C 1037-09) Read tips for creating a quick breakfast your family can eat on the go, and make breakfast fun by inviting your family on a breakfast picnic.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Eating a Variety of Foods can be Fun! (C 1037-05) Find out how to make eating foods from all of the food groups more fun, and encourage your child to eat fruit by making silly fruit faces on a plate.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Eating a Variety of Foods is Healthy! (C 1037-04) Learn about the five food groups that make up MyPlate, and help your child learn the groups by coloring in sections of a paper plate.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Healthy Eating on a Budget (C 1037-17) Learn how to help your family eat healthy on a budget, and help your child keep track of what he/she eats in each food group using a simple chart.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: How Much Physical Activity? (C 1037-22) Find out how much physical activity young children need, and encourage your child to be active by playing a freeze dance game with music.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: How Much Water Should You Drink? (C 1037-02) Find out how much water you should drink to stay hydrated, and help children make drinking water more fun by making colored fruit ice cubes.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: It's Important to Stop When You're Full (C 1037-11) Learn why it’s important to stop eating when you are full, and teach your child about “full” and “empty” using bowls of water.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Making Breakfast can be Fun (C 1037-10) Check out breakfast foods that your child can help make, and work together with your child to build a fruit and yogurt parfait.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Modeling Healthy Eating Behaviors (C 1037-18) Find out how to model healthy eating for your child, and work with your child to create a healthy trail mix for a snack.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Motivating Your Child to be Active (C 1037-23) Learn how to motivate your child to be more active, and encourage your child’s physical activity by setting up a treasure hunt.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Physical Activity Teaches New Skills (C 1037-20) Learn about the skills children learn through physical activity, and be active as a family by playing a giant board game with your child.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Safety and Physical Activity (C 1037-21) Read safety tips for your active child, and encourage your child to be active by creating and moving through an obstacle course together.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Tips for Serving Smaller Portions (C 1037-14) Read tips for serving your family smaller food portions, and help your child practice healthy eating by self-serving food at the next meal.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Water Helps Children Succeed (C 1037-03) Read tips to help your child drink enough water every day, and help your child keep track of water drinking with a simple chart.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: What Does Full Feel Like? (C 1037-12) Find out how to help your child recognize what feeling full is like, and encourage your child to practice “full” by filling a plastic bag with flour or cornstarch.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: What to Eat for Breakfast? (C 1037-08) Check out breakfast ideas that include foods from several food groups, and encourage your child to draw a favorite breakfast food.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Why It's Important to Stop When Full (C 1037-15) Learn why it is important not to force children to clean their plates, and read a story with your child about why stopping eating when full is important.
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Series: Accessing Resources in Your Community (C 1284-06) Raising grandchildren can be expensive, especially for grandparents with limited budgets. There are many resources in your community that can help make the job of raising your grandchildren easier. If…
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Series: Caring for Infants and Toddlers (C 1284-08) As a grandparent, you may feel “out of practice” in caring for a very young child. It may have been many years since your own children were young. We know more now about how the brain develops and how…
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Series: Disciplining Your Grandchildren (C 1284-14) How do you teach children to behave appropriately, even when you’re not around? The key is effective, consistent discipline. Children are most likely to be well-adjusted when you combine warmth and lo…
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Series: Fun Learning Activities for You and Your Grandchildren (C 1284-12) Have you ever heard, “I’m bored!” from your grandchildren? What can you do with your grandchildren that will keep them entertained and learning at the same time? Watching television or movies and play…
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Series: Helping Grandchildren Stay in Contact with Parents (C 1284-02) When you take on the responsibility of raising grandchildren, you may have to navigate the tricky question of whether and how to help your grandchildren stay connected with their parents. For some gra…
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Series: Helping Your Grandchildren Deal with the Death of a Parent (C 1284-04) Handling death is always a difficult process. Experiencing grief stretches your emotional resources, and organizing details such as a funeral and burial requires time and planning. For some grandparen…
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Series: Helping Your Grandchildren Succeed in School (C 1284-11) The goal of school is to prepare children to succeed in their academic, professional, and personal goals. Your grandchild doesn’t have to be the smartest child in the class to be successful in school;…
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Series: Helping Your Preschooler Be Ready for School (C 1284-10) Going to kindergarten is an important step in young children’s lives. As a grandparent raising your young grandchildren, you may wonder how to help your 4- or 5-year-old get ready for kindergarten. Wh…
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Series: Legal Issues in Caring for Your Grandchildren (C 1284-07) As a grandparent raising your grandchildren, you may not have imagined being involved with the legal system. But if your grandchildren live with you for a long time, you may eventually need legal supp…
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Series: Managing Your Stress (C 1284-03) Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the time and effort you put into raising your grandchildren? When you’re caring for children, it may seem like there are not enough hours in the day. Because you are …
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Series: Moving Your Grandchildren into Your Home (C 1284-01) Raising your grandchildren can be both rewarding and challenging. The transition to this new relationship can be stressful for the entire family. While your grandchildren are getting used to a new hom…
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Series: Out-of-Home Care for Young Children (C 1284-13) Combining grandparenting with full-time or part-time work outside the home can be challenging. Who will take care of your grandchildren while you’re at work? How do you find someone who will help your…
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Series: The Teenage Years (C 1284-09) Have you noticed that being a grandparent changes when children become teens? Adolescence is a time of rapid growth in how teens look, act, think, and feel. With this growth, teenagers begin to need d…
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Series: What You Need to Know about Abuse and Neglect (C 1284-05) No grandparent likes to imagine a grandchild being mistreated. But the reality is that children who live in a chaotic home, where chronic problems like family violence or substance abuse take place, a…
Tips to Prevent Accidental Poisonings: Poison Look-Alikes and Other Dangers (C 1227) Accidental poisonings from medications and household products could happen to anyone. Poison look-alike products are potentially harmful substances that can easily be mistaken for safe ones, usually b…
Diane W Bales
Professor, Extension Human Development Specialist, and Child Life Program Director
Extension Profile