Did you know that all Georgia Department of Agriculture-mandated training for Georgia’s certified operators and registered employees can now be obtained by attending webinars? The Department of Agriculture's?policy?on training and education does not limit the number of hours that can be acquired via live, online, interactive events. In Georgia, webinars are viewed no differently than face-to-face trainings.
To meet this demand, the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and the??offer an easy-to-access, interactive training program that allows pest management professionals to earn continuing education training credits from the comfort of their homes or offices, significantly reducing travel time and costs. All your computer needs are speakers, a microphone (recommend but not required) and the ability to access the internet; no special software is needed.
The 海角官方首页 Griffin Structural Pest Management Webcast Lecture Series is designed to deliver online the same quality education as the physical 10-week certificate program?(formerly the Structural Pest Management 10 Week Lecture Series Certificate Program), which was offered as a face-to-face, night time program from 2006 to 2018. We now offer the same content, but as an on-line series of monthly webcasts.
For more information, or to get on an email list announcing each webcast, contact us at 770-228-7214 or email us at gtbop@uga.edu.
Veterans (and active military) attend our webcasts free. To qualify, simply provide proof of Veteran Status - e.g., DD-214, etc. Email photo or scanned copy to gtbop@uga.edu. Please contact us (770-228-7214) NOW so we can get you on our Military mailing list so you’ll receive your special invitation with registration instructions.
Are you a 海角官方首页 Extension County Agent?
Did you know you can use the webinar series to generate revenue for your county office? Visit the GTBOP website for details.