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Our Impact

Making A Difference in Our County

University of Georgia Cooperative Extension is working hard for its constituents. The following are examples of Extension’s impact in the county over the past year.

Agriculture and Natural Resources

Tift County is one of the most diverse agricultural counties in the state. Vegetable crops, row crops, forages, ornamental horticulture, livestock, forestry, fruits, tree nuts, and more are grown in Tift County. 海角官方首页 Cooperative Extension in Tift County provides research-based information for agriculturists through educational production meetings, on-farm research, and individual engagements. Tift County producers faced many challenges in 2022. Extended periods of drought complied with extreme heat, making for a challenging year. Lesser Cornstalk Borers and Lesion Nematodes continue to be significant factors in our peanut production; Tift Extension Agents worked with producers on timely pesticide applications to maximize the control of these pests. Cotton boll rot was also a significant problem Tift County producers faced this year; intense heat and high humidity laid the perfect conditions to exacerbate boll rot through the canopy of cotton plants. Tift Extension Agents worked with producers on small acreage trials to see if seed spacing or row spacing affected the severity of boll rot. Silverleaf whiteflies and Diamondback moths remain major pests in our commercial vegetable fields. The Tri-County Extension Vegetable Agent conducted several bioassays in various fields to find the most effective control methods for these pests. Throughout the year, Tift County Extension agents conducted applied research with local growers comparing cotton varieties, researching chemistries for greenhouse applications, managing diseases in vegetables and cotton, and controlling insects in cotton, peanuts, and vegetables.

Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS)

Tift County Extension Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS) provides programming that increases the health, wellness, and financial capability of individuals and families served. All first graders participate in a handwashing lesson. Proper handwashing is the No. 1 way to prevent the spread of the flu virus. Preventing the spread of germs allows students more instructional time and parents fewer missed workdays. All second graders receive a nutrition lesson about added sugar. Creating an awareness of how much sugar they consume and the negative effects of too much sugar in the body helps prevent childhood obesity. Food safety programs allow employees and restaurant managers to complete the National ServSafe? Managers certification. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that each year, roughly one in six Americans gets sick, 128,000 are hospitalized, and 3,000 die of foodborne illnesses.?The free Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) tax preparation service is now in its fifth year, saving residents hundreds of dollars. Providing the community with resources for overall wellness is the top priority for Tift County’s FACS Agent Georgeanne Cook.?

4-H Youth Development

Young people become self-directing, productive, contributing members of society through 4-H. Tift County Extension 4-H leaders work with over 900 public, private, and homeschooled youths, delivering educational opportunities for students in 5th through 12th grades. Our program complements and enhances grade-level curriculum by bringing 海角官方首页 resources to each classroom where 4-H programs are taught. Tift County 4-H offers opportunities for youth of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities. Project Achievement gives 4-H’ers the opportunity to research, develop, and present a demonstration on a topic of their choice. These projects can highlight any hobby or interest the 4-H’er may have. This is a great tool for building public speaking skills and showcasing the 4-H member’s hard work and success. In addition to participating in activities like Project Achievement, Tift County 4-H’ers can spend a week at summer camp at one of Georgia’s five 4-H centers. They may also participate in judging and team events, including quiz bowls, poultry and consumer judging, livestock projects, or shooting sports teams. Tift County 4-H also believes in giving youth a chance to serve their community. Members of 4-H have served at events and contributed to causes, including Relay for Life, Ronald McDonald House Charities, the local soup kitchen, and the Adopt-a-Mile program.

Download Our Annual Report (pdf)