Project Achievement
4-H Project Achievement is a cornerstone in the Georgia 4-H Program.? From the first Boys' Corn Club sharing their crop to today's presentations and portfolios on hundreds of topics, Project Achievement serves to showcase 4-H'ers work and success.
Cloverleaf Project Achievement
Cloverleaf Project Achievement teaches skills for a lifetime.? 4-H'ers pick a project area of interest, research the topic, write a presentation, and then present a 3-6 minute presentation to others.? As the 4-H'er gets older, a record keeping component is added, but for Cloverleafs, it's all about sharing knowledge. Most presentations are illustrated talks.
From Bicycle to Wildlife, there are 59 different categories from which to choose: 52 projects include oral presentations; 7 projects have special presentations including performing arts, a sewing presentation and food labs for a no-cook snack.
Junior Project Achievement
Project Achievement is self-directed, individual competition including presentations, a documented record of project work (portfolio), leadership and service based on experiential learning activities.
It is:
- a young person's exploration into an area of interest
- is not one activity or one event but a series of learning opportunities
- is age appropriate and builds on a young person's strengths
- for reporting and competition, falls into specific areas with rules and guidelines
Presentations are 8-10 minutes, generally illustrated talks. Some food labs, performances and clothing construction projects are offered (various time limits). Final Scores are 40% Portfolio and 60% presentation.
Senior Project Achievement
This level of Project Achievement is more advanced than the Junior level.? It includes a portfolio of project work, leadership and service and presentations are generally illustrated talks of? 10-12 minutes. Again, some food labs, clothing construction and performance categories are available with varying time limits.? The final score for a Senior level demonstration is 50% presentation and 50% portfolio.
Winners of Senior Project Achievement advance to State Congress, a competition of district winners.? Winners at the state level can advance to a trip to the National Convention.
Good record keeping is a must for Senior level competitions.? These cover the 4-H'ers activities/work from January 1 to December 31 of the reporting year.? They include:
- Project Work - activities done to learn more and practice being skilled in the project area. (Classes attended, places visited, people met)
- Project Sharing & Helping - Activities where the 4-H'er shows knowledge in the chosen project.? It may be as a leader or speaker or an exhibitor.?
- Leadership - Activities serving in a leadership role (more than a participant)
- Service - Activities, as a participant, of benefit to a community or group.
- Other Activities - Things not reported elsewhere.?
- Supporting Materials - Letters, photographs and other items that show you doing the things you report.
- Cover Letter - Special component of the portfolio telling the judges about the 4-H'er and his/her interests.