Lab Services - Soil and Water Testing
Soil Testing
Determining the fertility level of soil is the first step in planning a sound lime and fertilizer program for home lawns, gardens, pasture grass, and food plots. Most Georgia soils are low in pH and/or one of the essential plant nutrients. Therefore, to maintain normal plant growth, lime and fertilizer must be applied in sufficient qualities to meet a plants basic nutrient requirements.? A soil test is the best means available to determine this requirement. Samples may be submitted to our office in plastic baggies or containers.? We will then transfer your sample to our 海角官方首页 soil bags.? It's best to have 2 cups soil per sample, see the link below on how to take a soil sample.
Routine Soil Test
Cost: $10.00 per sample (includes postage)
Test includes pH, Lime Requirement, Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, and Manganese.
Lawn, Garden & Food Plots ?
- How to take a soil sample -
(1-2 weeks to receive a routine soil analysis report)
Other helpful links:
Well Water Testing
Basic Water Test: (W1)
Cost: $22.00 (includes postage)
Client brings 4 oz. sample and pays in office
Bring sample in a clean plastic or glass container.
Draw the sample from a kitchen or bathroom faucet after water has not been used for a minimum of 6 hours.
Test includes: pH ? Hardness ? Aluminum ? Boron ? Calcium ? Chromium ? Copper ? Iron?? Magnesium?? Manganese ? Molybdenum ? Nickel ? Phosphorus ? Potassium ? Silica ? Sodium ? Zinc
Expanded Water: (W2) basic + more
Cost $64.00 (includes postage)
Client brings in 16 oz. sample and pays in the office
Bring sample in a clean plastic or glass container . ?
Draw the sample from a kitchen or bathroom faucet
Do not use water for a minimum of 6 hours before getting sample.
The Expanded Water test is designed to address common well water problems in Georgia such as corrosion, high levels of iron and manganese, and nitrate from various sources. This test package should be done at least once on wells before using the less inclusive basic water test. The Expanded Water Test is required for installation and design of home water treatment systems.
Test includes the Basic Water Test (see above), Anions, Soluble Salts, and Alkalinity tests.
for: (W1) and (W2) - fill out and bring in with your sample; form is also available in the office.
Standard Bacteria Test (Total Coliform and E-Coli)
kit - free for client to pickup at our office
Test Cost: $36.00 - client pays lab directly with a check or online
Shipping cost - Client pays UPS
rates vary - contact UPS for Next Day Air prices
The most common microbiology test checks for the presence of?E. coli?and total coliform bacteria. This test requires a special test kit (sample instructions included) and available at the Extension office. This test is recommended annually on home wells. ?
The kit contains a bottle with powder, submission form, instructions on how to take a sample. Client puts a check in the kit for $36.00 and takes to UPS for shipment.? This test is time-sensitive and requires Next Day Air shipping Monday-Wednesday only.? Please read instructions on the submission form carefully before drawing your sample.
Home Loan Closing Test: (W33B)
kit - free for client to pick up at our office
Test Cost: $85.00 - client pays lab directly by check or online
Shipping cost- Client pays UPS
rates vary - contact UPS for Next Day Air prices
Test includes: Total Coliform ? E-coli ? Lead?? Nitrates ? Nitrites
This test is time-sensitive and requires Next Day Air shipping? Monday-Wednesday only. Please read instructions on the submission form carefully before drawing your sample.
The standard turn-around-time for W33B package is?5-7 business days?after lab receives sample. Client puts a check in the kit for $85.00 and takes to UPS for shipment.? Note: VA and FHA Loans may require a 3rd party to take the sample.? ?
For information on testing for ponds, radon, lead, and more, contact us at the Rockdale County Extension Office for details.
Staff Listing
Extension Publications
(C 943) The recommendations in this circular are based on long-term average dates of the last killing frost in the spring and first killing frost in the fall. Every year does not conform to the "average," so you should use your own judgment about advancing or delaying the time for each job, depending on weather conditions.
(B 987) This publication focuses on native trees, shrubs and woody vines for Georgia. It is not our intent to describe all native species — just those available in the nursery trade and those that the authors feel have potential for nursery production and landscape use. Rare or endangered species are not described. Information on each plant is provided according to the following categories: Common Name(s)/Botanical Name/Family, Characteristics, Landscape Uses, Size, Zones and Habitat.
(C 1042) Learn 10 strategies for better time management, including knowing how to spend your time, setting priorities, using planning tools, getting organized, scheduling, delegating, and avoiding procrastinating, wasting time, and multitasking.