Agriculture & Natural Resources
How Do I Obtain a Pesticide Applicators License?
Certified Pesticide Applicators must earn a required number of recertification credits every five years or be reexamined. Recertification credits may be earned by attending education meetings approved by the Georgia Department of Agriculture's Pesticide Program. You can search for by type of license (Commercial or Private), license category, or course date. Private applicators must obtain three (3) re-certification credit hours in order to renew the Private Applicator license. Commercial applicators must obtain either six (6) or ten (10) recertification credit hours per licensed category () to renew their Commercial Applicator license.? We also have a series of PowerPoint presentations and webinars you can view at our office for credit.? Email: to set up an appointment.
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Testing Services
Soil samples (commercial & homeowner) are priced at $10.00 per sample.
To collect a sample, take at least 15 to 20 cores or thin slices at random over the field or area. In general, 15 acres should be the maximum size area represented by a single composite sample. Collect the sample in a clean plastic bucket or other non-metal container and thoroughly mix the soil, remove rocks, twigs, roots, etc. then place the soil in a sealable plastic bag or other clean container. Testing may take up to 10 days. You have the option of receiving your results either by mail, e-mail or fax.
Water Testing
Basic Water Sample $28.00
Collect the first draw water sample, after a minimum of 6 to 12 hour period during which time there was no water usage prior to the sampling. Either early morning or evening upon returning home are the best sampling times to ensure that the necessary stagnant water conditions exist. A kitchen or bathroom cold-water faucet is to be used for sampling.
Below are some of 海角官方首页 Extension's most broadly useful resources for those involved in agriculture on the farm, in schools, and around the home.