
海角官方首页 Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between and .

海角官方首页 Extension Office

Camping Programs

Camping Programs

Georgia's 4-H summer camping program, administered through the county offices of 海角官方首页 Extension, offers a 4-H summer camping experience unparalleled in the nation. Over 8,000 children in grades 4-12, accompanied by over 1,000 adult and teen leaders, annually descend on each of Georgia's for a week of camp that will be reflected upon and cherished for years to come. Every camp offers great adventure, friendship, and fun, and all seek to develop the camper's Head, Heart, Hands, and Health to make him or her a better person. Pulaski County rotates Cloverleaf Camp between Rock Eagle 4-H Center and one of the smaller centers every year, so our 4-H'ers get the most complete 4-H camping experience.??

In addition to the residential camping programs of Georgia 4-H, Pulaski County also offers Pulaski 4-H day camps throughout the year during school breaks and during the summer. These are one-day, local camps that come at minimal cost and are open to any 4-H'er in grades 4-12.??

Thanks to the generosity and support of many Pulaski County citizens, we are proud to be able to offer scholarships for 4-H'ers to attend camp each summer.? Camp scholarships are needs-based in nature and are awarded via an application process.? Please consider donating to our Camp Scholarship fund.

2022 Cloverleaf Camp at Rock Eagle 4-H Center
Wilderness Challenge Camp Ocoee River Rafting