
海角官方首页 Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between and .

海角官方首页 Extension Office

Agriculture & Natural Resources

Agriculture and Natural Resources agents are the educational links in relaying current information form the University of Georgia and other sources to the local community. Agents teach agriculture and natural resources subject matter and provide educational programs through individual and group instruction, radio and TV presentations, and newspaper articles.

The objective of the Agriculture and Natural Resources program is to deliver useful and practical information to clientele as it relates to day-to-day problems.


Feed and Forage $45.00 - basic hay and silage test (NIR, Nitrate, minerals)

Pond Samples $25.00

Soil Samples $10.00 per bag - routine testing (pH, potassium, etc.) Soil sample bags are available at the Polk County Extension Office.

Water Samples?$25.00 - Basic test (pH, hardness, and minerals)? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?$65.00 - expanded testing (basic, anions, soluable salts, and alkalinity) 1 pint needed. We do not test for bacteria; contact Polk County Health Department.

Other Testing - Animal Waste, Greenhouse, Insect, Plant

Crop rows?Pesticide Safety Training

If you spray restricted agriculture chemicals on your land, you must posses a?pesticide applicators license. If you do not have a license, you can receive?training online.?The training will require approximately 4 to 5 hours to complete. There is?charge?of $25 for the training. A credit card is required to complete the online training. Click here if you do not have a credit card for instructions on payment. Click?on the training that you need below for instructions.

Private Applicators

Commercial Applicators?

Homeowners, Public Service Employees, & Volunteers Applicators ?




ANR Agents

Gibson Priest
Gibson PriestCounty Extension Coordinator & ANR/4-H Agent