Our Impact
Making A Difference in Our County
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension is working hard for its constituents. The following are examples of Extension’s impact in the county over the past year.
Students in Madison County gained hands-on experience and developed skills in their community by volunteering and providing resources to local needs.?Monthly project opportunities such as these help them learn about the importance of community involvement leadership skills, leadership, responsibility and much more.
Skill development has helped these youth develop healthy habits of community engagement which will carry into adulthood. Cleaning and installing new equipment through a kitchen renovation project, leading their county in 4 clean ups at various county venues, and cleaning up 2 yards, state park, 8 road sides, river and even cemeteries, helped them take pride in their surroundings and help others benefit from their hard work.
Youth also donated resources to the Ronald McDonald House, Food Pantry, and local MOAS animal shelter. They served meals for 3 civic groups, ran events for 3 community festivals, collected candy and made 180 safety treat Pre-K and Hampton House recipients. They made cards for Veterans, Nursing Home Patients, and 4-H Donors. One student commented from yardwork done for two elderly citizens that “It might have been cold outside, my hands might have gotten blisters from the raking, but I am sure that these simple acts of caring built a bridge between ages and warmed my heart with the appreciative looks on the elders faces.” Another student said at our local festival, “I wish I could bottle up the looks from the students and the parents when I tell them we do all this for free to show that we care!”
Agriculture and Natural Resources
Provides research-based information in the area of agriculture and natural resources to all residents. Educational programming is developed and designed to assist individuals in making sound economical environmental decisions that affects everyday life. The vast majority of residents in the county rely on private wells as their water source.
Programming and educational efforts are provided to educate the public about making sure the water is safe to use and the importance of water quality testing. 106 individual water samples were sent in during fiscal year 2023-2024. Residents have benefited from testing with corrections being implemented to meet EPA standards for drinking water.
Teaching youth about agriculture and where the food and fiber come from that clothes and feeds them is important. They also need to understand about conserving our natural resources. The Madison County Agriculture and Natural Resources agent has been actively involved in field trips and activities to teach students about caring for our environment and learning about agriculture.
Family and Consumer Sciences
In Madison County 36% of the population is obese. Obesity and being overweight contribute to the development of chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes and some cancers. In response to this issue, the Madison County Family and Consumer Sciences agent offered programs on cancer prevention, nutrition and physical activity education.??
In 2023, the FACS Agent hosted 2 sessions of ELEVATE Couples Georgia. ELEVATE Couples Georgia is a no cost relationship education program for all couples in committed relationships. During this program, couples learn how to (1) better manage stress, (2) strengthen their connection with each other, (3) deal with differences in healthy ways, and (4) "Elevate" the quality of their relationships. Eight couples graduated from the twelve hour program.