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4-H Judging Events


4-H is judging evaluation and comparison opportunities through several judging contests such as:


Forestry Judging Event

September, 2024 @ TBD

Forestry Judging is a competitive contest where 4-H'ers learn about one of Georgia's most valuable resources. Participants learn to identify trees, insects and diseases. They also participate in compass and pacing activities and learn how to complete saw timber volume estimations. Forestry Judging provides an opportunity for youth to gain a better appreciation for our local forest resources and how they contribute to our economy and quality of life.

Juniors (7th- 8th Grade) will learn about leaves ?

Identification of 44 species of trees
Identification of 31 forest insects and diseases
Tree Measurement Estimation

Seniors (9th- 12th Grade) will learn about Insects, identify trees and diseases

Identification of 70 species of trees
Identification of 53 forest insects and diseases
Tree Measurement Estimation
Compass and Pacing
Forest Site Evaluation Team Event (State Contest Only)

Contact the extension office for more information or come to the practices on Mondays at 3:30pm, next practice date is Monday, August through September.

Forestry Judging


Cotton Boll and Consumer Judging Event

November, 2024 TBD

The Consumer Decision Making Contest teaches 4-H'ers how to observe, compare and make decisions based on facts collected. It also provides experience in organizing thoughts and defending decisions with oral reasons. In this contest, 4-H'ers learn to rank articles or products over others based on standards and quality, 4-H'ers will evaluate consumer items and tell why they think one is better than the other.

Juniors (7th- 8th Grade)

Judge four classes of items and give oral reasons on one class.
Give a 30 second or less commercial promoting cotton.Must have a 14x22 poster (half a sheet of poster paper) to accompany commercial. Costumes may be used.

Seniors (9th- 12th Grade)

Judge four classes of items and give oral reason on one class.
Give a 2 minute or less speech PSA (Public Service Announcement) about cotton.

The practices are on Mondays at 3:00pm, practice dates are Mondays, September through October.

Consumer Judging


Poultry Judging Event

April 2024 TBA ?

Poultry Judging teaches 4-H'ers how to judge live hens, grade eggs, grade ready to cook poultry, and identify poultry parts. It also provides experience in organizing thoughts and defending decisions with oral reasons. In this contest, 4-H'ers learn to rank laying hens based on standards and quality, 4-H'ers will evaluate the chickens and tell why they think one is better than the other.

Juniors (7th- 8th Grade) & Seniors (9th- 12th Grade) ?

Classes A & B - Live Birds & Reasons
Classes C – Ready-to-Cook
Class E – Written Test
Class G – Broken-Out Eggs
Class H – Exterior Quality
Classes I – Interior Quality (Candling)
Class K – Parts Identification

Contact the extension office for more information or come to the practices on Thursdays at 3:30pm. Our first practice starts in March and ends in April.

