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4-H Youth Development

4-H Agent

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About 4-H:

4-H is the nation's largest youth leadership development organization empowering nearly six million young people across the United States with the skills to lead for a lifetime!?In Georgia, there are more than 170,000 young people learning and having fun through 4-H.?4-H is a part of the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension and focuses on leadership, citizenship, public speaking and life skills.? Simply, 4-H is a world in which youth and adults learn, grow and work together as catalysts for positive change!

4-H members gain self-confidence by learning good communication and public speaking skills at?. They make new friends by attending conferences, camps, and reward trips. 4-H also teaches members leadership and decision-making skills through judging events and teen leader training. 4-H offers activities at the county, district, state, and even national level!

The four H's symbolize the development of the:

  • HEAD: to think, to plan, and to reason
  • HEART: to care for others and develop positive attitudes
  • HANDS: to be useful, helpful, and skillful
  • HEALTH: to practice healthy living, enjoy life, and use time wisely

Georgia 4-H Mission:

The mission of Georgia 4-H?is to assist youth in acquiring knowledge, developing life skills, and forming attitudes that will enable them to become self-directing, productive and contributing members of society. This mission is accomplished, through “hands on” learning experiences, focused on agricultural and environmental issues, agriculture awareness, leadership, communication skills, foods and nutrition, health, energy conservation, and citizenship.

Exploring and discovering, encouraging and challenging, that’s what Georgia 4-H is all about. As a program of the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Cooperative Extension System, 4-H is part of the nationwide Extension network.

4-H’ers are known for sharing their research-based knowledge and technology to people where they live and work. 4-H combines federal, state, and local expertise and resources.

History of 4-H:

Georgia 4-H began in 1904 when Newton County school superintendent, G.C. Adams, organized an agricultural corn club for boys in Covington, GA. While Georgia is one of several states that claims to be the birthplace of 4-H, the reality is 4-H didn’t start at any one time or place. Many movements were happening just after the turn of the century. The organization that emerged was the result of the work of many people in different parts of the United States who were concerned about young people. The concepts of youth and adults working together to learn and grow, of providing young people with hands-on learning experiences, of taking research and making it useful, practical and accessible and of creating an environment where students are safe and supported were all part of the early years of 4-H. Those characteristics of 4-H marked our beginning, and they still provide the basis for all we do today.

4-H pledge:

I pledge my HEAD to clearer thinking, my HEART to greater loyalty, my HANDS to larger service, and my HEALTH to better living for my CLUB, my COMMUNITY, my COUNTRY, and my WORLD.

4-H motto:

To Make the Best Better

4-H slogan:?

Learn by Doing

4-H colors:

Green?and White

The Lanier County 4-H Program

Lanier County 4-H Agent, Grace Lawson,?beginning Fall of 2024 will visit all? 4th & 5th graders in the Lanier County school system?once a month?during school.?For 6th-8th graders, Mrs. Grace offers in-school club meetings?once a month??during half of Connections times. Middle School students can listen on the intercom for reminders of when meetings are.?In-school meetings are also held for 9th-12th graders on most High School Club Days or after-school.?

Any home-schooled students in grades 4-12 are welcome at all 4-H activities and events that are after school or during summer.

In the summer, Lanier County 4-H'ers may attend summer camp at one of the five camps that make up the Georgia 4-H camping program.?We also offer a? summer programs filled with trips, fun activities, and community service.

Become a 4-H'er!

To become an official 4-H member, you must fill out an Enrollment Card. One enrollment card per student is required each year. It is FREE to join 4-H! Students can choose their level of involvement in 4-H and attend as many (or as few) events as they would like to.?

All 4th and 5th grade students will fill out Enrollment Cards at the first in-school club meeting. Any 6th-12th grader can fill out an Enrollment Card at any club meeting or activity that they decide to join!

Support 4-H!

Find a 4-H'er or come by the 4-H office for our fundraisers. Our main fundraisers are Poinsettias in the fall and Vidalia Onions in the spring.?

We are always accepting donations for our program! Want to sponsor a student or activity? Contact us.

Become a Volunteer!

Enthusiastic about working with youth? If you have the ability to nurture positive self-esteem, decision making skills, responsibility and leadership in youth, we want you!?

In order to volunteer with us, you must go through our University of Georgia screening process. Contact our office for more information or get the process started by completing both forms below and bring them to the Extension Office!

Thank you to all of our 4-H sponsors and volunteers. These programs do not exist without you!

What can you do in 4-H?

  • Summer Camp
  • Clover Jam
  • District Project Achievement
  • Cotton Boll and Consumer Judging Team
  • Modified Trap Shotgun Team
  • Poultry Judging Team
  • In-School Club Meetings
  • After School Club Meetings
  • Essay Contest
  • Pumpkin Decorating Contest
  • Georgia National Fair exhibits
  • Hog Shows
  • Fun Days after school and during summer
  • Teen Leader Opportunities
  • Community Service
  • Statewide Conferences and Weekend Events
  • Dances
  • Movie Nights
  • Fundraisers

Common Forms:

Cloverleaf 4-H Summer Camp 2019