Project Achievement
Georgia 4-H Project Achievement empowers young people with skills for a lifetime. 4-H’ers develop leadership, creativity, public speaking, record keeping, and other skills. As students become older, a record keeping component that promotes independent thinking, research and implementation is added.?
Cloverleaf DPA
Cloverleaf (4th-6th grade) participants choose a project area of interest, research the topic and present an illustrated demonstration. Speeches should be 4 to 6 minutes in length and students may use posters or other visuals to emphasize key points. Please note some exceptions to speech listed on the project list.
VIsit the page for more information.
Project Achievement for junior and senior (7th-12th grade) 4-H'ers is a two part competition. Again, the student chooses a project area of interest, researches the topic and presents an illustrated demonstration. Speeches should be 7 to 9 minutes and the students may use posters, PowerPoints, or other visuals to emphazie key points. Additionally, the student will create a portfolio, which is a two page document listing the activities the student has participated in within the calendar year. Please note some exceptions to speech listed on the project list.