
海角官方首页 Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between and .

海角官方首页 Extension Office

School Enrichment

4-H school enrichment

4-H School Club Meetings?

Haralson County 4-H provides educational in-school meetings for 5th, middle and high school students.

Extension staff visits participating classrooms once a month with an educational lesson designed to compliment, enhance and meet Georgia Core Curriculum.

4-H in the classroom benefits the students and teachers by delivering engaging and real world research based lessons.



September 2024: Introduction to 4-H for Cloverleaf 4-H'ers.
October 2024- Officer Campaigns for Cloverleaf 4-H'ers!
November 2024-Portfolio Informaton for JR/SR 4-H'ers.
January 2024- Camp Introductions!
February 2024
March 2024
May 2024- Bullying Lesson for Cloverleaf 4-H'ers.

Discover yourself in 4-H