海角官方首页 Extension agents, staff and trained volunteers keep local communities informed through county Extension offices. We offer reliable information and programs in the areas of agriculture, food, families, the environment, and 4-H youth development. Let us help you learn, grow, and do more!
Georgia 4-H Project Achievement empowers young people with skills for a lifetime. Students choose a project area of interest, research the topic, and write and present a presentation. 4-H’ers develop leadership, creativity, public speaking, record keeping, and other skills. As students become older, a record keeping component that promotes independent thinking, research and implementation is added. Cloverleaf and Junior 4-H’ers (4th – 8th graders), begin competition in their school or county and advance to the district level. Senior competitions (9th-12th grade) encourage youth to become more involved in their project areas and advance to the state and national levels.
Cloverleaf District Project Achievement
Project Achievement is one of the largest and most exciting, challenging and rewarding programs offered by Georgia 4-H. 4-H’ers choose a project area of interest, research a topic, then write and present an oral presentation to others. For Cloverleaf 4-H’ers, students in? grades 4-6, this process is about hands on learning, self confidence, and sharing knowledge. Competition begins at the school, local, or county level and can advance to a district level.
Cloverleaf? DPA will held in Union County Georgia on December 2, 2023
Junior/Senior District Project Achievement
4-H’ers pick a project area of interest, do project work in that area throughout the year, then research a specific topic, write a presentation, and present it to a judging panel.?Beginning in the 7th grade competition process, youth are expected to produce lengthier presentations and submit a portfolio for written work. Competition begins at the club or county level and winners move onto the district level.
Junior/Senior Project Achievement will be held at Rock Eagle March 1-2, 2024.
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