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4-H Youth Development

4-H: Program Overview and FAQ's

What is 4-H?

4-H is the largest youth development organization in the world, serving youth ages 9-19. Our program allows youth to acquire knowledge, develop life skills, and form positive attitudes.? This mission is accomplished through "hands on" learning experiences, focusing on agricultural and environmental issues, agriculture awareness, leadership, communication skills, foods and nutrition, health, energy conservation and citizenship/community service.

How do I get involved?

Grades 5-6 (Cloverleaf) The 4-H program is delivered in the Bleckley County School System once a month for all students.

Grades 7-8 (Junior) Students are offered the opportunity to enroll at the beginning of the school year and meetings are held once a month at the school.

Grades 9-12 (Senior) Students should contact the 4-H Office for enrollment. Meetings are held after school or in the evenings. ?

Home School? (All age groups) Students age 8-18 (through 12th grade) are offered volunteer-led club meetings once a month at the 4-H Office or at a location determined by the volunteer.

During meetings, 4-H members will be given a newsletter with information about activities and opportunities in which they may participate.?

What kind of activities are available?

There are many activities offered throughout the year which is why 4-H is such a great organization.? There is something for EVERYBODY!

A few of the larger events.....

Project Achievement All ages - 4-H'ers share information learned in their chosen project area by giving a demonstration. Senior level winners continue to state competitions.

Summer Camp All ages - Always an exciting experience...the Georgia 4-H Camping Program is tops in the nation, with camps around the state:? one in the mountains, one just outside Atlanta, two off the coast, and the largest, Rock Eagle in Eatonton.

Project S.A.F.E. (Shooting Sports)? Shooting Awareness Fun and Education? All ages. Our shooting sports project is a wonderful program and Bleckley County is pleased to be able to offer it in 3 different areas of competition:? Archery, BB and Shotgun.

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