Our Impact
Making A Difference in Our County
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension is working hard for its constituents. The following are examples of Barrow County Extension’s impact in the county over the past year(2023).
Barrow County's Economic Output was: $408,565,652
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? County Farm Gate Value was: $23,338,037
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Barrow County Jobs in Agriculture:? 1, 532
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Barrow County Top Commodities:? Broilers, Beef Cattle, & Horses- Raised
海角官方首页 Cooperative Extension in Barrow County offers an Agriculture and Natural Resources program committed to providing resources for gardeners, farmers and school and community garden coordinators. The program’s initiatives includes? focusing? on improving the skills and efficacy of school garden teachers, and supporting the local food system with homeowners and farmers.?The Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent taught classes, offered homeowner assistance,? conducted site visits for technical assistance, and diagnosed diseased soil and insect samples.?
In-school club meetings are an important part of Barrow County 4-H. Lessons are delivered to 4th -8th grade students monthly in their classrooms and reach over 1600 students inside the Barrow County School System.
?4-H offers an array of after-school special interests clubs including: Shooting sports( Archery, BB, & Shotgun),? judging teams, public speaking competitions, and cooking competitions. Barrow County 4-H partners with Barrow County School System to offer in-school lessons,? Lego Robotics and First Tech Challenge Teams.