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22 publications were found on Economics-and-Money
  • Before You Invest (C 1110) Saving and investing are critical steps to achieving your financial goals. Although these terms are often used interchangeably, they are quite different. Understanding the differences between saving and investing is the first step toward reaching your financial goals.
  • Commercial Blueberry Inventory and Prospectus, Georgia, 2002 (RR 693) Both rabbiteye and highbush blueberries are produced in Georgia. The plants can produce a commercially viable crop for years. The long-term nature of the investment in the blueberry orchard calls for periodic updates on the situation of the blueberry industry. Information about the location of plants, varieties, plant age, and the use of cultural practices are important in decisions to alloc…
  • Commercial Southern Pea Production (C 485) This horticulture publication is about the commercial production of southern peas.
  • Do You Plan to Retire? Series: Key Issues to Consider (C 1112-1) Retirement is a time to relax and enjoy life. Unfortunately, not all of us will be assured a plush retirement home, lots of free time, and world travel. This publication includes some important things you should know about planning for retirement.
  • Do You Plan to Retire? Series: Ways to Save for Retirement (C 1112-2) Retirement is just around the corner, and it is important to begin planning and saving for retirement as soon as possible. In order to maximize your savings, it is important to understand the various types of tax-advantaged retirement plans available individually and offered by employers.
  • Get Smart About Identity Theft (B 1435) Your personal identity cannot be taken from you, but your identifying information—your Social Security number and other details about you—certainly can be. If your identifying data is used without your permission for another person's dishonest objectives, you become a victim of an identity theft crime. In this digital age, it is more important than ever to protect yourself from identity theft. T…
  • How to Generate Income on 20 Acres or Less (B 1551) The idea of producing your own food in a clean, controlled environment is very appealing. While dreams may be big, careful research and planning should be done prior to jumping into any farm venture. Important items such as desire, capital, feasibility, labor, demographics, and marketing all need to be considered.
  • How to Get Out of Debt (C 1045) Learn about types of credit, how to assess your situation if you are in debt, and how to make power payments to get out of debt fast. Getting out of debt helps financial security and planning for the future.
  • Insurance: Necessity or Nuisance? (C 1111) If you need a particular type of insurance, it is better to have it even if you never use it. The hard part is knowing the difference between insurance you need and insurance you are better off without. Many people purchase insurance without knowing whether they need it or not. Unless you fully understand insurance, you may be wasting money on insurance products you don't need.
  • Spanish Series: La Vivienda: Su Mayor Prioridad: Cuando Disminuyen sus Ingresos (C 1041-6-SP) Cuando sus ingresos disminuyen o no alcanzan a cubrir sus gastos como antes, la planificación cuidadosa puede ayudarle a evitar el desalojo de su unidad de alquiler o la pérdida de su hogar.
  • Spanish Series: Planificar Sus Gastos: Cuando Su Dinero Disminuye (C 1041-3-SP) Cuando sus ingresos disminuyen, desarrollar un presupuesto no es una opción, es una necesidad. Aunque el proceso de desarrollar su primer presupuesto familiar puede ser incómodo, no es un castigo. Es una herramienta esencial para poder seguir adelante y para seguir progresando. El primer paso es hacer una lista de sus obligaciones financieras, junto con el mejor estimado de sus gastos mensuales y …
  • Spanish Series: Seguir Adelante: Cuando sus Ingresos Disminuyen (C 1041-1-SP) Sobrevivir a la economía puede ser un desafío y mucho más cuando no hay dinero. En esta publicación le presentamos y explicamos las claves para sobrevivir a la economía: piense de manera positiva, examine las posibilidades, y establezca un plan.
  • Spanish Series: Utilice los Recursos Comunitarios: Cuando sus Ingresos Disminuyen (C 1041-5-SP) Los recursos comunitarios pueden ser esenciales para sobrevivir periodos difíciles. Cada una de las comunidades donde vive, trabaja, se divierte, o practica sus creencias religiosas, puede ser una fuente de apoyo.
  • Starting Your Own Business: Community Resources (C 1046) Starting a new business is an exciting and scary time. Georgia's business sector has an abundance of entrepreneurial spirit, but getting started can be overwhelming. Fortunately, there are several community resources to assist small business owners. Learn how to get help with creating a business plan, making it legal and financing your business.
  • The Business of Beginning Farming: Getting started, financing, licenses, tax exemptions, and more (C 1283) Starting a farming or commercial production enterprise requires more than knowledge of agriculture or livestock management. The business side of farming is a critical factor in the success and sustainability of the enterprise. New and beginning farmers have many questions about planning, licensing requirements, financing options, training, and more (see Table 2). This publication can help answer s…
  • Timeline of the U.S.–China Trade Dispute and Tariffs on Cotton and Textile Trade (C 1259) In 2018, the Trump Administration proclaimed significant changes in tariff actions on a variety of U.S. imports, which led to retaliation by U.S. trading partners—including China and many U.S. allies. These actions led to a 2-year trade dispute between the United States and China. Global commercial ties were destabilized and the trade and investment transactions and flows were hampered by the resu…
  • Using Cotton Byproducts in Beef Cattle Diets (B 1311) Cotton byproducts offer a variety of feed ingredients that can lower the cost of beef cattle production. Cottonseed meal and whole cottonseed can be used in rations for any class of cattle. Gin trash and cottonseed hulls are low-energy feedstuffs that are used as a roughage source in high energy diets or as a partial energy replacement in mature cow diets. Cotton stalk residue can maintain a dry p…
  • When Your Income Drops Series: Insurance Matters (C 1041-4) When times are hard, it is tempting to drop your insurance coverage. This may be OK for some coverage, but not for others. You do not want to put yourself in a worse financial situation than you are already in. Learn about the different types of insurance to help you make the decision about what insurance to keep, reduce, or get rid of.
  • When Your Income Drops Series: Moving Forward (C 1041-1) Experiencing a loss of income can be devastating. Getting by with less may seem like an impossible task. Learn how to move forward by implementing the keys to success: thinking positive, considering the possibilities, and mapping out your plan.
  • Your Good Credit Series: Managing Credit Wisely (C 1043-3) Carefully shopping for credit and avoiding credit dangers offer the best defense against credit problems. This publication covers credit dangers, the credit pyramid, and how to ensure you maintain good credit.
  • Your Good Credit Series: Understanding Your Credit Report (C 1043-1) Learn what makes someone credit worthy and the importance of a credit report. This publication covers how to obtain a credit report and how to understand what it contains.
  • Your Good Credit Series: Understanding Your Credit Score (C 1043-2) Learn what a credit score is and why it is important. This publication covers what is considered and average credit score and what factors influence your score.