Publications By Alfredo Martinez
2005 Georgia Plant Disease Loss Estimates (SB 41-08) It is estimated that 2005 plant disease losses, including control costs, amounted to approximately $537.44 million. The value of the crops used in this estimate was approximately $4377.6 million, resu…
2006 Georgia Plant Disease Loss Estimates (SB 41-09) It is estimated that 2006 plant disease losses, including control costs, amounted to approximately $647.2 million. The value of the crops used in this estimate was approximately $4673.73 million, resu…
2007 Georgia Plant Disease Loss Estimates (SB 41-10) It is estimated that 2007 plant disease losses, including control costs, amounted to approximately $539.74 million. The value of the crops used in this estimate was approximately $4815.02 million, res…
2013 Georgia Plant Disease Loss Estimates (AP 102-6) It is estimated that 2013 plant disease losses, including control costs, amounted to approximately $821.85 million. The value of the crops used in this estimate was approximately $6,551.91 million, re…
Abiotic Injuries and Disorders of Turfgrasses in Georgia (B 1258) Turfgrass stands can be injured and damaged by biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) agents. Most abiotic diseases cause generalized symptoms such as wilting, yellowing, thinning and the developmen…
Centipedegrass Decline (C 1003) Centipedegrass is ideal for the homeowner who wants a lawn that needs little care. It can be established by either seed or vegetative parts and does not require much fertilizer. Compared to other lawn…
Chainsaw Safety and Tree Cleanup (C 1198) Many people help with tree cleanup after storms pass through. Some are citizen volunteers, and others are private and public sector workers who may or may not have experience with chainsaws. This pres…
Chainsaw Safety: The Five Step Tree Felling Plan (C 1220) Felling trees is dangerous. Accidents abound when chainsaws and falling timber combine. The five step tree felling plan is a safe and effective way to take down a tree with a chainsaw. Rigorous applic…
Common Landscape Diseases in Georgia (B 1238) This publication describes some of the most troublesome diseases of Georgia's landscape plants. The following material will help you identify these diseases and offers recommendations for treatment. K…
Diseases of Leyland Cypress in the Landscape (B 1229) Leyland cypress has become one of the most widely used plants in commercial and residential landscapes across Georgia as a formal hedge, screen, buffer strip or wind barrier. Leyland cypress (x Cupres…
Diseases of Sorghum in Georgia: Identification and Control (C 1271) This publication contains information on the most important and common diseases of sorghum, the biology of the causal agents, as well as a detailed description of the disease symptoms (aided by high-q…
Dollar Spot of Turfgrasses in Georgia: Identification and Control (C 1091) Dollar spot is an ever-present turfgrass disease that affects all warm and cool season grasses in the state of Georgia. The publication contains important information on the biology of the causal agen…
Fireblight: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment (C 871) Fireblight is a destructive, highly infectious, and widespread disease. It attacks blossoms, leaves, shoots, branches, fruits, and roots. This publication has some facts and methods to avoid and contr…
Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Grain Sorghum (SB 28-21) Commercial insect and weed control in grain sorghum. Updated annually.
Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Small Grains: Wheat, Triticale, Barley, Oats, and Rye (SB 28-27) Commercial insect and weed control in small grains: wheat, triticale, barley, oats, and rye. Updated annually.
Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Turfgrass (SB 28-33) Commercial insect and weed control in turfgrass. Updated annually.
Gray Leaf Spot in Georgia Turfgrass: Identification and Control (C 1116) In the state of Georgia, gray leaf spot (GLS) primarily affects St. Augustinegrass (Stenotaphrum secundatum) and is particularly chronic and damaging in the coastal area of the state. This publication…
Home & Garden Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Turf (SB 48-11) This section of the Home & Garden Edition covers insect, disease, and weed control in home turfgrass. Care should be taken when using insecticides around any flowering plants when bees are actively fo…
Identification and Control of Fusarium Head Blight (Scab) of Wheat in Georgia (C 1066) Fusarium Head Blight (FHB), also called scab, is a devastating disease that is emerging in Georgia wheat fields. This publication contains important information on the biology of the causal agent, and…
Identification and Control of Leaf Rust of Wheat in Georgia (C 1060) Wheat leaf rust, caused by the fungus Puccinia triticina (formerly known as Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici), is often a destructive foliar disease of wheat in the state of Georgia. Rust fungi in wh…
Identification and Control of Microdochium (Fusarium) Patch in Turfgrass in Georgia (C 1265) This publication contains information on Microdochium patch, an emerging disease in the state of Georgia. This circular contains the biology of the causal agent, as well as a detailed description of t…
Identification and Control of Powdery Mildew of Wheat in Georgia (C 1059) Powdery mildew, caused by Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici (syn. Erysiphe graminis) is an obligate, host specific fungus that attacks wheat exclusively. The pathogen reduces photosynthesis and increas…
Identification and Control of Rhizoctonia Large Patch in Georgia (C 1088) Rhizoctonia large patch is the most common and severe warm season grass disease in Georgia and the United States as a whole. This publication contains important information on the biology of the causa…
Identification and Control of Spring Dead Spot in Georgia (C 1012) Spring dead spot (SDS) is a persistent and destructive disease of bermudagrass (Cynodon sp.) in Georgia. The disease can be problematic on lawns, landscapes, golf courses (bermudagrass greens, tees an…
Leafspot Diagnosis and Management in Bermudagrass Forages (C 887) Bermudagrass leafspot is a disease that decreases yields, nutritive value and palatability. This publication discusses leafspot diagnosis and management in bermudagrass.
Oat Diseases in Georgia: Identification and Control (C 1263) This publication contains information on the most important and common diseases of oats, the biology of the causal agents, as well as a detailed description of the disease symptoms, relevant up-to-dat…
Safety Checklists for New Landscape Employees (B 1415) These checklists can be used to introduce new landscape workers to safe work practices. They ensure that job safety training includes safety instruction. Included are sections on general safety precau…
Safety for Hispanic Landscape Workers (B 1334) Hispanic workers predominate in Georgia's urban agriculture industry, comprising almost three-fourths of the workforce. Employers must ensure comprehension and safety compliance, address language barr…
Spanish Series: Da?os Abioticos y Anomalias de Céspedes en Georgia (B 1258-SP) Los céspedes pueden ser atacados por agentes bióticos (vivientes) y abióticos (no-vivientes). Los agentes bióticos incluyen patógenos (hongos, bacterias, virus, citoplasma etc) y plagas como nematodos…
Spanish Series: Enfermedad “Mal del Pie” en Céspedes de Clima Cálido: Identificación y Control (C 1102-SP) El mal del pie es una enfermedad destrcutiva en la region central, sur y costera de Georgia. EL mal del pie afecta todos los cespedes de clima calido en Georgia pero es mas severo en el cesped San Agu…
Spanish Series: Enfermedades de Céspedes: Guia de Referencia Rapida (C 891-SP) Agente causal, céspedes susceptibles,condiciones que promueven la enfermedad, síntomas y control de mancha parda, mancha dólar, quemazón por Pythium, mancha foliar por Helminthosporium, marchitamiento…
Spanish Series: Enfermedades de los Céspedes en Georgia: Identificación y Control (B 1233-SP) Esta publicación es una guía completa para la identificación y control de enfermedades de los céspedes en Georgia. Enfermedades incluyen: mancha "dólar"; anillos de hada; pudrición radicular "toma-tod…
Spanish Series: Enfermedades Más Comunes de Plantas Ornamentales en Georgia (B 1238-SP) Esta publicación describe algunas de las enfermedades más problemáticas en las plantas de ornato más usadas en el jardín. El material presentado aquí le ayudará a identificar estas enfermedades y enco…
Spanish Series: Identificación y Control de la Mancha Larga de Céspedes Causada por Rhizoctonia en Georgia (C 1088-SP) La mancha larga causada por Rhizoctonia es una de las enfermedades mas comunes y severas de cespedes de clima calido en georgia y en los Estados Unidos. La publicacion contiene informacion importante …
Spanish Series: Limpieza de Arboles Da?ados por Tormentas (C 1199-SP) Los árboles son los que mas se da?an en las tormentas y son estos los mas peligrosos de limpiar. Los arboles da?ados por tormentas están sujetos a una gran cantidad de peligros asociados con la tala d…
Spanish Series: Mancha Dólar de Cespedes en Georgia: Identificacion y Control (C 1091-SP) Mancha dólar es una enfermedad omnipresent en cespedes de clima calido y frio en el estado de Georgia. La publicacion contiene informacion importante en la biologia del gente causal, descripcion detal…
Spanish Series: Seguridad para Trabajadores Hispanos de Jardineria (B 1334-SP) Los hispanos representan la minoría más grande de los Estados Unidos con 42.7 millones de habitantes. Los trabajadores hispanos predominan en la industria de la agricultura urbana del estado de Georgi…
Spanish Series: Seguridad Usando Motosierras y Limpieza de Arboles (C 1198-SP) Muchas personas ayudan con la limpieza de los árboles después de las tormentas. Algunos son ciudadanos voluntarios; otros son trabajadores del sector público y privado que pueden o no tener experienci…
Spanish Series: Tizón de Fuego de las Rosáceas: Síntomas, Causas y Tratamiento (C 871-SP) El tizón de fuego de las rosáceas es una enfermedad destructiva, altamente infecciosa y que ocurre en muchas partes del país y es causada por la bacteria Erwinia amylovora. El tizón de fuego es partic…
Spanish Series: Uso Seguro de la Motosierra: El Plan de Cinco Pasos para el Corte de un ?rbol (C 1220-SP) Use estos cinco pasos para el corte de un árbol de forma segura de principio a fin. Este plan funciona para arboristas profesionales y los que no lo son. Cortar árboles con una motosierra es peligroso…
Storm Damaged Tree Cleanup (C 1199) Trees are often damaged in storms and can be extremely dangerous to clean up. Storm damaged trees are subject to all the perils associated with tree felling and much more. Working conditions may be di…
Stripe Rust (Yellow Rust) of Wheat (C 960) Stripe rust is an emerging disease in the state of Georgia. Evidence of increased aggressiveness of the disease has been reported recently. Rusts are the most economically important group of wheat dis…
Take-All Root Rot of Warm-Season Grasses (C 1102) Take-all root rot (TARR) has emerged as a destructive disease in central, south and coastal Georgia. TARR affects all warm-season turfgrasses in Georgia, but it is more common and severe in St. August…
Ten Steps to a Healthier Home Lawn (C 1009) The key to disease control is a healthy plant. Under proper turfgrass management, disease-causing conditions are often reduced and healthy turf is maintained. The following management practices will h…
Turfgrass Diseases in Georgia: Identification and Control (B 1233) This publication is a comprehensive guide to identifying and controlling turfgrass diseases in Georgia.
Turfgrass Diseases: Quick Reference Guide (C 891) Causal agent, susceptible turfgrasses, conditions promoting disease, symptoms and control of brown patch, dollar spot, Pythium, Helminthosporium leaf spot, fading out, gray leaf spot, fairy ring, take…
Turfgrass Field Day Series: 2016 Turfgrass Research Field Day Guide (AP 117-1) This is a biennial publication containing the proceedings of the turfgrass research field day carried out at the 海角官方首页 Griffin Campus every other year. The guide provides professionals with continuous, …
Alfredo Martinez
Professor and Extension Plant Pathologist-Turfgrass, Small Grains, Non-Legume Forages
Extension Profile