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  • Application of Imaging Systems for Monitoring Poultry Well-being (C 1256) In commercial poultry houses, bird density and distribution in drinking, feeding, and resting zones are critical factors for evaluating flock productivity, bird health, and well-being. Proper distribu…
  • Best Management Practices for Storing and Applying Poultry Litter (B 1230) The nutrients and organic materials found in poultry litter/manure are extremely beneficial by-products, as evidenced by the fact that years of application have transformed north Georgia from a severe…
  • Calibration of Manure Spreaders (C 825) This publication primarily focuses on rear discharge, twin spinner spreaders common for poultry litter application in the southeast.
  • CNMP Development Checklist for Dry Litter Poultry CAFOs (C 886) This publication outlines the information needed to develop a Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan (CNMP) for dry poultry litter operations.
  • Coexisting with Neighbors: A Poultry Farmer's Guide (B 1263) Conflict prevention measures can be both tangible and intangible in nature. Communication skills and disseminating information may be as important as minimizing odors or pests through improved managem…
  • Composting Mass Poultry Mortalities (B 1282) Composting is a natural process where beneficial microorganisms decompose and transform organic materials into a useful and biologically stable end-product that is safe for the environment. This proce…
  • Considerations for County Planners: Components of Zoning Ordinances Relative to Poultry (C 1071) Poultry farming is the number one agricultural enterprise in Georgia. It is important to protect this vital industry by developing prudently-devised and factually-based zoning ordinances. This publica…
  • Dust Control with Engineering Systems in Poultry Houses (C 1214) High levels of dust in cage-free poultry house air can carry airborne microorganisms and endotoxins that, once inhaled, may trigger respiratory diseases in animals and/or their caretakers. Mitigating …
  • Facts for County Planners: Set-Backs for Poultry Houses (C 931) One of the most important components of a zoning ordinance for poultry farms relates to the set-back distance required for the location of poultry production houses. It is important that set-back requ…
  • Facts for County Planners: Zoning Issues and Poultry Production (C 932) Georgia poultry farmers are among the best in the world at growing chickens using state of the art technology, housing systems, and best management practices. To protect this vital business for Georgi…
  • Giant Miscanthus Grass as an Alternative Bedding in Poultry Houses (B 1470) Pine shavings are the most popular bedding material used in poultry houses. Due in part to the expansion of the poultry industry, pine shavings are in short supply, and alternative bedding materials a…
  • Guidelines for Prospective Contract Hatching Egg Producers (B 1214) Producing more than 8 billion pounds of chicken meat requires the support of hatching egg producers. Hatching egg production is a very different business from broiler meat production, as it requires d…
  • Hurricane Helene Impact Report (AP 133-1) We estimate that Hurricane Helene’s damages to Georgia agriculture and forestry will cost the state economy at least $5.5 billion in 2024 present value. This figure represents the sum of direct crop l…
  • Importance of Grit Removal from Commercial Shell Egg Processing Wastewater (B 1402) This publication is designed to give commercial egg processors the information they need to understand and effectively deal with the wastewater grit generated from the conveying, washing and grading o…
  • Litter Quality and Broiler Performance (B 1267) Quality of chicks, feed and water are all of great concern to broiler producers, but quality of litter in broiler houses is seldom given sufficient emphasis. This is unfortunate because birds are in c…
  • Maximizing Poultry Manure Use through Nutrient Management Planning (B 1245) This publication provides current information about the appropriate application and most effective use of poultry fertilizer. It will also help poultry producers develop a simple nutrient management p…
  • Mislaid Egg Management in Cage-Free Hen Houses (C 1254) Researchers have investigated the issue of mislaid eggs in cage-free housing and the possibility of reducing the incidence of floor eggs through management of lighting, litter and bedding, and nesting…
  • Mortality Composting Basics for Poultry Producers (B 1408) Composting is an age-old practice that has been adapted as a means of daily animal mortality disposal and can be beneficial for the environment. This publication describes how to compost poultry morta…
  • Mortality Management Options for Georgia Poultry Producers (B 1244) Poultry production facilities must deal with the disposal of farm mortalities on a daily basis. Death loss in animal production is an unfortunate reality that requires appropriate handling to prevent …
  • Nuisance Myths and Poultry Farming (B 1299) This publication provides factual information about three common myths of poultry farming: that poultry farms will ruin the environment, that they smell, and that the air exhausted from poultry houses…
  • Poultry Disease Prevention Checklist (B 1340) Disease prevention is much less stressful and costly than disease control and recovery. Biosecurity measures are a critical component of disease prevention. Use this list to rate your disease preventi…
  • Poultry Drinking Water Primer (B 1301) Water is a critical nutrient that receives little attention until a problem arises. Not only should producers make an effort to provide water in adequate quantity, they should also know what is in the…
  • Poultry Litter Composting for Backyard Flocks (C 1097) Your coop is ready. You've built a covered run or exercise yard to keep your chickens safe from predators and wild birds that carry diseases. Your chicks are old enough to move outside, and you're eag…
  • Poultry Litter Sampling (B 1270) Poultry litter is a mixture of poultry manure, feathers, wasted feed, and bedding material that contains nitrogen, phosphate, potash, and other nutrients essential for plant growth. Poultry litter can…
  • Poultry Mortality Composting Management Guide (B 1266) Disposal of dead birds can be a problem for poultry growers. Typical methods of mortality disposal include burial, incineration, rendering, and composting. Many states have banned the use of burial pi…
  • Poultry Mortality Disposal: Methods Following Catastrophic Loss (B 1342) Mortality disposal following a natural disaster or catastrophic disease event can become a major challenge for poultry producers. Disposal decisions must balance animal health goals with those of envi…
  • Spanish Series: Compostaje Básico Para el Avicultor (B 1408-SP) Composteo es una vieja práctica, muy benéfica para el medio ambiente, utilizada para la eliminacion y disposición diaria de los animales muertos. [Composting is an age-old practice that has been adap…
  • Troubleshooting Salmonella in Poultry Processing Plants: Case Studies (B 1310) This publication provides suggestions regarding the proper tuning of a poultry processing plant to meet the USDA-FSIS standards for Salmonella levels, regardless of incoming Salmonella levels.
  • Using Container Composters for Disposal of Poultry Mortality (B 1550) Commercial poultry producers are looking for ways to improve their environmental impact and also to increase their profitability. Using container composters as a method of daily mortality disposal can…
Casey W. Ritz Professor and Assistant Department Head critz@uga.edu Extension Profile