Publications By Robert C Kemerait Jr
2021 Georgia Cotton Production Guide (AP 124-1) The 2021 cotton production guide provides an in-depth look at cotton production in Georgia and the southeastern United States. Issues discussed include economic outlook, fertility, weed management, in…
2022 Georgia Cotton Production Guide (AP 124-2) The cotton production guide provides an in-depth look at cotton production in Georgia and the southeastern United States. Issues discussed include economic outlook, fertility, weed management, insect …
2024 Georgia Corn Production Guide (AP 132-01) This is the Extension Corn Team's full production guide for recommended practices to plant and maintain a corn crop in Georgia. Topics include agronomic practices, growth and development, fertilizatio…
Georgia Corn Diagnostic Guide (B 1221) The field is a complex environment with many factors that can interact to influence the growth of a corn plant. These factors can be living in the form of insects, diseases, nematodes and weeds; or, t…
Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Corn and Field Corn (SB 28-15) Commercial insect and weed control in corn and field corn. Updated annually.
Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Cotton (SB 28-16) Commercial insect and weed control in cotton. Updated annually.
Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Peanut (SB 28-24) Commercial insect and weed control in peanut. Updated annually.
Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Soybean (SB 28-28) Commercial insect and weed control in soybeans. Updated annually.
Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Submitting Specimens for Identification (SB 28-02) Introductory material for the Commercial Edition of the Georgia Pest Management Handbook. Updated yearly.
Haiti Peanut Research Report (B 1499) This report summarizes the findings of field trials and basic data collected in Haiti under the Feed the Future Peanut & Mycotoxin Innovation Lab project from 2014-2017. The focus of the research was …
Rapport de recherches sur l’arachide en Ha?ti (B 1499-FR) L’arachide est cultivée en Ha?ti depuis au moins 500 ans et remonte très probablement à la préhistoire. Selon Bartolomé de las Casas, un prêtre qui a accompagné Christophe Colomb lors de son expéditio…