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  • Considerations for Using By-Product Feeds (B 862) By-product feeds come from a variety of sources, including grain processing, production of human foods and beverages, and manufacturing of fiber products. Although many of these feeds have been used f…
  • Cow Behavior: A Critical Factor to Consider Under Heat Stress (B 1442) Cow behavior is critical for animal well-being and performance and influenced by many factors, such as heat stress. Under thermo-neutral conditions, cows spend half a day lying down and the rest of th…
  • Developing a Storm Preparedness and Response Plan for Dairies (B 1525) The Southeast U.S. is susceptible to hurricanes and tropical storms every year. Hurricane season occurs from June 1 through November 30, and these storms are normally forecast several days in advance.…
  • Feeding for Improved Yield of Milk Components (B 1512) This bulletin provides information for producers, nutritionists, and feed industry personnel on formulating diets to maintain or improve milk composition. The value of milk components is increasing mo…
  • Impact of Grazing and Heat Stress on Intake of Dairy Cows (B 1559) Allowing dairy cows the opportunity to graze pasture is a practice frequently used by dairy producers. Some producers use grazing as the primary source of forage while others use it as a supplement to…
  • Measuring the Dry Matter Content of Feeds (SB 58) Adjust rations for the dry matter (DM) content of each feed, especially when wet feeds, such as silage, are fed. Small changes in the DM content will change the nutrient profile of the ration. The pot…
  • Understanding and Improving Forage Quality (B 1425) The goal of this publication is to guide the user to a better understanding of basic forage quality terms and to recommend management changes that will improve forage quality. To that end, our objecti…
John K. Bernard Professor