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  • Bull Buyer's Guide (C 553) Bull procurement decisions can greatly impact your future calf crops and herd genetics for many years. Selecting and buying a herd bull is the quickest way to make genetic improvement in your herd. Th…
  • Drought Management Strategies for Beef Cattle (B 1323) Drought conditions are a yearly occurrence in Georgia and have been prolonged in several areas over the past several years. These conditions can have severe impacts on cattle, and every cattleman shou…
  • Estrous Synchronization for Beef Cattle (B 1232) Estrous (heat) synchronization in beef cattle involves manipulating the females' estrous cycle so they can be bred at about the same time. The normal 21-day estrous cycle in beef cattle can be altered…
  • Factors Affecting Calving Difficulty (B 943) Calving difficulty, otherwise known as dystocia, may result in reduced calf performance, delayed estrus and, in some cases, loss of the calf and/or dam. This publication discusses several factors affe…
  • How to Improve Your Percent Calf Crop (C 672) The number of calves sold is a major source of income from a cow/calf operation. A high percent calf crop increases profit. Reproductive efficiency is the first factor to consider in a breeding progra…
  • Reproductive Management of Commercial Beef Cows (B 864) Reproductive efficiency has long been recognized as the most important aspect of commercial beef production. This publication explains how improved herd management and selection for reproductive perfo…
  • Selecting a Beef Breed (C 859) New cattle producers frequently ask, “Which breed should I choose?” This question brings cold chills to many knowledgeable cattle producers and excitement to just as many enthusiastic breeders. The di…
  • Water Requirements and Quality Issues for Cattle (SB 56) Water is the most important nutrient for cattle. It accounts for 50 to 80 percent of an animal's weight and is involved in every physiological process. Cattle cannot adapt to water restriction and fee…
Ted G. Dyer Extension Animal Scientist - Beef Cattle