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  • Bioenergy in the Southeast: Current and Past Policies Driving Markets (C 1131) Helene Cser Extension Associate North Carolina State University Leslie Boby Extension Associate Southern Regional Extension Forestry Research and development on alternative sources of energy has been…
  • Fire Ecology of Shortleaf Forests (C 1133) Bill Pickens, Conifer Silviculturist, North Carolina Forest Service Shortleaf pine and its associated plant communities evolved with fire of varied temperatures, or mixed severity, and a fire return i…
  • Income Tax Deduction on Timber and Landscape Trees Loss from Casualty (C 1137) Linda Wang, National Timber Tax Specialist, USDA Forest Service Timber or landscape trees destroyed by the hurricane, fire, earthquake, ice, hail, tornado, and other storms are “casualty losses” that…
  • Ips Bark Beetles in the Southeastern U.S. (C 1132) David R. Coyle, A. Brady Self, James D. Floyd, and John J. Riggins Four species of Ips bark beetles (also commonly known as Ips engraver beetles or Ips beetles) occur throughout pure and mixed pine f…
  • Littleleaf Disease: Biology, Ecology, and Management in Southern Pines (B 1496) J. Holly Campbell and David R. Coyle, Southern Regional Extension Forestry Littleleaf disease is a forest health concern for several pine species in the southeastern United States. This disease is a …
  • Promoting a Healthy Forest on Your Land (B 1494) David Coyle and Mark Megalos, Southern Regional Extension Forestry Healthy forests provide many public benefits like clean air and water, wildlife and plant habitat, and diverse forest products that …
  • Protecting Your Forest Asset: Managing Risks in Changing Times (B 1495) Private forest owners control most of the southern forest resource and are critical to maintaining forest health in the South. Record droughts, rising temperatures, increased frequency and intensity o…
  • Savannah and Woodland Management of Shortleaf Pine (C 1134) Patrick Keyser, University of Tennessee, Center for Native Grasslands Management Savannahs are typically thought of as transitional landscapes between forest and prairie, containing a sparse overstor…
  • Silvics of Shortleaf Pine (C 1135) Bill Pickens, Conifer Silviculturist, North Carolina Forest Service Shortleaf pine, Pinus echinata, is the most widely distributed, but perhaps least understood of the four major southern yellow pine…
  • Tax Tips for Forest Landowners for the 2017 Tax Year (C 1136) Linda Wang, National Timber Tax Specialist, Forest Service Specific Federal income tax laws and rules apply to timber-related income and expenses. The tax tips provided in this bulletin are intended t…
Brent Peterson Director of Communications and Media bpeterson@sref.info Extension Profile