Publications By Wesley Porter
2013 Georgia Cotton Research and Extension Report (AP 108-2) This publication contains a report of cotton research trials and Extension activity in Georgia for 2012-2013.
2014 Georgia Cotton Research and Extension Report (AP 108-3) This publication contains a report of cotton research trials and Extension activity in Georgia for 2013-2014.
2024 Georgia Corn Production Guide (AP 132-01) This is the Extension Corn Team's full production guide for recommended practices to plant and maintain a corn crop in Georgia. Topics include agronomic practices, growth and development, fertilizatio…
Blueberry Irrigation Water Quality (C 1105) This circular is a review of water quality standards, calculations, and recommendations for water that will be used for irrigation of blueberries.
Calibration of Center Pivot Irrigation Systems for Wastewater Applications (B 1458) This publication was developed to provide farmers applying animal wastewater with step-by-step instructions to calibrate their center pivot irrigation systems. Within each step, the publication provid…
Center Pivot Calibration for Wastewater: A Field Reference Guide (C 1084) This publication is intended to be used by those familiar with calibrating a center pivot system. The circular lists the steps, calculations, and charts needed to calibrate a center pivot irrigation s…
Chemigation in Georgia (B 1298) Chemigation is an inclusive term referring to the application of a chemical into or through an irrigation system. It includes the application of fertilizers, acids, chlorine and pesticides. Chemigatio…
Considerations for Subsurface Drip Irrigation Application in Humid and Subhumid Areas (C 903) Subsurface drip irrigation is the practice of installing drip irrigation below the ground surface. This publication is designed to provide a brief introduction to the site selection, design, installat…
Cost of Irrigation Ownership and Operating Costs through Irrigation Budgets for South Georgia (C 1235) These irrigation budgets, developed by University of Georgia Cooperative Extension, are estimates of the irrigation costs of a center pivot irrigation system located in southeast Georgia. Our intentio…
Drip Irrigation Checklist: Start-Up (C 1093) This publication reviews the critical items to address when starting a drip irrigation system that has been idle. This is important information for specialty crop producers and homeowners that have dr…
Drip Irrigation Checklist: Winterization (C 1094) This publication addresses winterization of a drip irrigation system. The circular includes information about winterization timing, components of a drip system, precautions to take when servicing a dr…
Evaluating and Interpreting Application Uniformity of Center Pivot Irrigation Systems (C 911) With rising fuel prices it is increasingly important that irrigation systems apply water uniformly in order to achieve maximum benefit from the water applied. The uniformity of water application under…
Factors to Consider in Selecting a Farm Irrigation System (B 882) The majority of agricultural irrigation systems in Georgia fit into one of two broad categories: sprinkler irrigation and micro-irrigation. Sprinkler irrigation systems include center pivot, linear mo…
GPS Guidance Options for Forage Systems (B 1546) Some of the most widely adopted precision agriculture technologies include guidance systems that utilize a Global Positioning System (GPS). Although these technologies are most commonly utilized in ro…
Irrigation for Lawns and Gardens (B 894) In order to maintain a lush, green lawn and productive garden, supplemental water in the form of irrigation is often needed during peak water use periods. Two basic types of irrigation are suitable fo…
Irrigation Reference Guide for Corn, Cotton, Peanuts, and Soybeans (C 1189) A farm’s return on investment is directly affected by the way water is applied to its crops. The wrong end-gun settings can result in overwatering or underwatering large portions of field acres. Clogg…
Irrigation Water Quality for Agriculture (B 1448) With growing demands for potable (suitable for drinking) water (due to population increase) and expanding irrigated acreage, there is an increased pressure on irrigated farms to consider using nonpota…
Low-Volume Irrigation Systems for Blueberry with Chemigation and Fertigation Suggestions (B 1504) Drip, trickle, microemitters, and subsurface irrigation systems are considered low-volume irrigation. Low-volume irrigation systems are designed to improve irrigation efficiency, delivering water to t…
Preparing Your Blueberry Freeze Protection System (C 1128) Frost protection systems tremendously benefit commercial blueberry production in Georgia. These systems are expensive and usually configured as overhead irrigation systems. For the system to provide p…
Row Crop Planter Checklist: Tips to Achieve Successful Stand Establishment (C 1231) The lack of proper planter setup and maintenance results in common planting mistakes that affects crop stand and yield every year. Growers can easily avoid these mistakes by following a few simple ste…
Sampling Irrigation Water for Blueberry Production (C 1104) This publication outlines the sampling procedure for irrigation water to be used in blueberry production. Follow the outlined steps to provide a certified lab with a sample that is representative of t…
Soil Sampling for Precision Management of Crop Production (B 1208) While site-specific soil sampling can improve field management, it must be accompanied by the conscientious collection and analysis of data. The new technologies that have elevated precision agricultu…
Spring Center Pivot and Lateral Irrigation System Preparation (B 1452) The main objective of this fact sheet is to provide a checklist of what is needed to properly prepare a center pivot or lateral irrigation system for the production season. All of the topics covered a…
海角官方首页 EASY Pan Irrigation Scheduler (B 1201) The 海角官方首页 EASY (Evaporation-based Accumulator for Sprinkler-enhanced Yield) Pan Irrigation Scheduler is designed to provide in-field monitoring of crop water needs in humid areas for a fraction of the m…