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  • Beef Cattle Showmanship: Tips for Show-Ring Success (B 1554) The way exhibitors present cattle has changed tremendously in a century. Youth beef shows often have showmanship divisions that are very competitive. Being a showmanship division winner is a great ach…
  • Estrus Synchronization Programs for Natural Service (B 1544) Cattle producers commonly evaluate reproductive performance by determining how many cows became pregnant during the breeding season. Although pregnancy rates are important, when the females become pre…
  • Feeder Calf Grading Fundamentals (B 1481) Feeder cattle buyers, marketers, and producers are able to communicate the potential growth and carcass merit potential of individual and grouped calves using the USDA Feeder Cattle Grading Standards.…
  • Halter Training Beef Cattle (C 1207) If you or someone you know is planning to halter train beef cattle, remember that the calf must be coached—it will not instinctively know what to do. Good coaching equals better results. This circular…
  • Hay Replacement Rations for Cows and Early Weaned Calves (B 1297) Drought can have a double impact on cattle producers. Not only is forage limited during the grazing months, but also the production of hay is limited. With the lack of forage, both grazed and conserve…
  • Herd Bull Management: Pre-Breeding Period (C 1062) The pre-breeding period (2 months prior to breeding) is essential for preparing bulls for a successful breeding season. This is particularly important for yearling bulls as they are still growing and …
  • Tattoo Application in Beef Cattle (C 1223) Livestock shows and purebred sales often require an ear tattoo as a form of permanent identification. If the rules of your next event require a tattoo, it is imperative for it to be accurate and easil…
  • Visual Evaluation of Beef Cattle for Breeding (B 1556) Beef cattle evaluation is important for all segments of the cattle industry. Visual evaluation allows you to compare animals not only for various economically viable traits, such as growth performance…
Jason Duggin Public Service Associate jduggin@uga.edu Extension Profile