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  • Beneficial Insects of Pecan Trees (C 1229) Accurately distinguishing insect pests from beneficial arthropods is a critical component in the implementation of an effective and sustainable pest management program. This circular provides a succin…
  • Commercial Pecan Spray Guide (B 841) This publication provides guidance for insect, disease, and weed control in commercial pecan orchards for 2024.
  • Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Fruit and Nuts (SB 28-19) Commercial insect and weed control in fruits and nuts. Updated annually.
  • Hedge Pruning Pecan Trees in the Southeastern U.S. (B 1557) As pecan trees grow in an orchard, their tree canopies encroach upon one another, causing excessive shading, which can increase alternate bearing intensity and reduce tree health and orchard profitabi…
  • Insect Pests of Non-bearing Pecan Trees (C 1228) As Georgia's pecan production acreage has increased, reports of insect pests that attack younger, less established trees have also increased, particularly infestations by pecan bud moth and ambrosia b…
  • Pecan Management (C 1174) This circular is a calendar-based management reference for pecan production in the Southeastern U.S. It provides an easy-to-use graphical guide for management decisions regarding crop phenology, irrig…
Andrew Sawyer Area Pecan Agent agsawyer@uga.edu Extension Profile