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  • Control of Common Pests of Landscape Plants (B 1074) Many species of insects or mites attack Georgia landscape plants. Homeowners have difficulty controlling these pests because they often are not aware of the problem until both the infestation and the …
  • Controlling Moss and Algae in Turf (C 823) Occasionally, turfgrass areas begin to thin out and moss and algae start to form. These primitive plants develop because conditions for growing dense, healthy turf have declined. This publication give…
  • Hiring a Tree Care Service (C 1098) Healthy trees add to property value and have many ecological benefits. Hiring a tree care service is an important decision. The work is often dangerous for the workers and if not properly done, can …
  • Identification and Control of Rhizoctonia Large Patch in Georgia (C 1088) Rhizoctonia large patch is the most common and severe warm season grass disease in Georgia and the United States as a whole. This publication contains important information on the biology of the causa…
  • Pesticide Safety for the Homeowner (C 998) By their nature, pesticides are hazardous and demand cautious handling. When they are used properly, however, pesticides improve the quality of our food supply, protect our health and increase our com…
  • Shade and Street Tree Care (B 1031) With proper care, trees can be valuable commodities around our homes, communities and urban landscapes. Providing care requires understanding tree biology, or how and why trees function. Trees constan…
Timothy Daly Interim County Extension Coordinator / ANR Agent tdaly@uga.edu Extension Profile