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  • Chainsaw Safety and Tree Cleanup (C 1198) Many people help with tree cleanup after storms pass through. Some are citizen volunteers, and others are private and public sector workers who may or may not have experience with chainsaws. This pres…
  • Chainsaw Safety: Always Use Your Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (C 1148) Operating a chainsaw is inherently dangerous. Chainsaw cuts are always serious, but this is not the only hazard a saw operator faces. Saw operators are often struck by falling limbs and trunks as the …
  • Chainsaw Safety: Preventing Common Tree Felling Accidents (C 1243) Accidents are common when felling a tree with a chainsaw. Fortunately, most of them can be prevented. Tips for preventing kickback, barber chair, entanglement, setback, and stump jump are presented in…
  • Hiring a Tree Care Service (C 1098) Healthy trees add to property value and have many ecological benefits. Hiring a tree care service is an important decision. The work is often dangerous for the workers and if not properly done, can …
  • How to Start a Community Garden: Getting People Involved (B 1399) Community gardening involves cultivating people and relationships, as well as the soil. There are many ways to start a community garden. The four steps included in this publication provide guidance an…
  • Is My Tree Dying? (C 1100) This publication outlines a tree inspection process that will help the homeowner identity potential problems and more effectively discuss the tree's condition with an Extension agent or certified arbo…
  • Keep Your Pets Safe Around Plants (C 1245) House and garden plants may be toxic to cats and dogs. This visual guide will help pet owners learn which plants are safe, as even common plants can be deadly.
  • Management of Turfgrass Insect Pests and Pollinator Protection (C 1127) Turfgrass is an important component of many landscapes. Research has shown that landscapes support diverse, abundant, and intact bee communities in New York, California, and Ohio. In fact, the abundan…
  • Native Plants, Drought Tolerance, and Pest Resistance (C 1122) Native plants are a great choice for Georgia landscapes. They provide food and habitat for native insects, birds, and other creatures and allow the gardeners to support local ecosystems. They are well…
  • Rainwater Harvesting for System Designers and Contractors (B 1372) With recent droughts and increased emphasis on water conservation, rainwater harvesting (RWH) has become an important alternative source for outdoor irrigation. RWH is the collection of runoff from ro…
  • Safety for Hispanic Landscape Workers (B 1334) Hispanic workers predominate in Georgia's urban agriculture industry, comprising almost three-fourths of the workforce. Employers must ensure comprehension and safety compliance, address language barr…
  • Spanish Series: Limpieza de Arboles Da?ados por Tormentas (C 1199-SP) Los árboles son los que mas se da?an en las tormentas y son estos los mas peligrosos de limpiar. Los arboles da?ados por tormentas están sujetos a una gran cantidad de peligros asociados con la tala d…
  • Spanish Series: Seguridad para Trabajadores Hispanos de Jardineria (B 1334-SP) Los hispanos representan la minoría más grande de los Estados Unidos con 42.7 millones de habitantes. Los trabajadores hispanos predominan en la industria de la agricultura urbana del estado de Georgi…
  • Spanish Series: Seguridad Usando Motosierras y Limpieza de Arboles (C 1198-SP) Muchas personas ayudan con la limpieza de los árboles después de las tormentas. Algunos son ciudadanos voluntarios; otros son trabajadores del sector público y privado que pueden o no tener experienci…
  • Spanish Series: Uso Seguro de la Motosierra: El Plan de Cinco Pasos para el Corte de un ?rbol (C 1220-SP) Use estos cinco pasos para el corte de un árbol de forma segura de principio a fin. Este plan funciona para arboristas profesionales y los que no lo son. Cortar árboles con una motosierra es peligroso…
  • Storm Damaged Tree Cleanup (C 1199) Trees are often damaged in storms and can be extremely dangerous to clean up. Storm damaged trees are subject to all the perils associated with tree felling and much more. Working conditions may be di…
  • Tree Ownership and Responsibility (C 1099) This publication discusses the ownership, responsibility, and liability of trees. It presents common situations in which a neighbor's trees encroach on another's property and suggests ways to resolve …
Ellen M. Bauske Senior Public Service Associate