Publications By William Graves
Dairy Herd Synchronization Programs (B 1227) This publication describes dairy herd synchronization programs will help improve your reproductive management efficiency. Try the one that fits your management system the best. Both estrus and ovulati…
Dairy Judging Terminology: A Guide to Saying What She is and Not What She Isn't (B 1234) This guide is designed to help you improve your reasons for your placings in dairy cattle evaluations. Slowly incorporate new terms into your oral reasons and your ability to describe what you see wil…
Dairy Reproduction Benchmarks (B 1210) This publication provides reproduction benchmarks for Holstein herds processed by Dairy Records Management Systems. Some examples of using and applying benchmark values are provided; however, this pub…
Estrous Synchronization for Beef Cattle (B 1232) Estrous (heat) synchronization in beef cattle involves manipulating the females' estrous cycle so they can be bred at about the same time. The normal 21-day estrous cycle in beef cattle can be altered…
Heat Detection Strategies for Dairy Cattle (B 1212) When the time comes to examine a herd's dairy reproductive management program, producers often want to discuss low conception rates. In most cases, however, inadequate heat detection is the much great…
Improving Artificial Insemination Techniques (B 1325) Using incorrect A.I. techniques can lower the overall success rate of the A.I. breeding program. Most producers learned correct semen handling techniques and insemination procedures at one time; unfor…
Improving Dairy Heifer Reproductive Management (B 1235) Reproductive management of dairy heifers is one area in which many dairy producers can improve. Heifers are the most fertile animals in a herd and should have the greatest genetic potential. Dairy pro…
Is Your Heifer Fit to Show? A Guide to Fitting and Showing Dairy Animals (B 1427) Every animal emerging from the pasture or barn needs time and attention to get her show-ring ready. The showman on the other end of the halter needs to be prepared as well. Faults in either fitting or…
Managing and Feeding Lactating Dairy Cows in Hot Weather (B 956) Hot and humid environmental conditions stress the lactating dairy cow and reduce intake of the nutrients necessary to support milk yield and body maintenance. In Georgia, weather conditions are suffic…
Setting Goals to Improve Breeding Strategies (B 1213) Problem identification is the first step in establishing objectives and goals to improve reproductive management in a dairy herd. Management is determining what must be done and achieving results thro…
Solving Postpartum Breeding Problems (B 1211) Early identification and diagnosis of reproductive problems through a herd health program are an essential part of successful dairy management. A cow must be pregnant by 85 days postpartum to achieve …
Spanish Series: Estrategias de Detección de Celo para Ganado Lechero (B 1212-SP) La detección de celo es el primer paso para hacer que un animal se pre?e. De acuerdo con los registros de la Asociación Nacional para la Información de Hatos Lecheros (DHIA por sus siglas en inglés) l…
Spanish Series: Programas de Sincronización de Hatos (B 1227-SP) Los datos del programa Dairy Records Management Systems (DRMS) demuestran que hatos de alta producción tienen índices de concepción bajos, y estos tienen también pasarán menos días abiertos y tienen u…
Spanish Series: Resolviendo Problemas Después del Parto (B 1211-SP) La identificación y el diagnóstico temprano de problemas reproductivos relacionados a nuestro programa de salud del hato es una parte esencial de un manejo eficiente de nuestra producción lechera. Muc…
Speaking Spanish to Improve Dairy Cattle Reproduction (B 1344) This publication contains English-Spanish translations of common dairy reproduction terminology to help producers better use Spanish to evaluate reproductive management and communicate with employees.
Vaccine Handling: Producer Tips for Chuteside Success (B 1431) Vaccines are an integral part of a comprehensive herd health program. When used in conjunction with other management tools, vaccines can reduce both the risk and impact of disease in beef cattle herds…
William Graves
Professor Emeritus